Part 12 : Broken

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Taehyung : Let's stop seeing each other..
Y/N: What !!??
Taehyung : Do I need to repeat it again(in a stern voice)
Y/N : Noo noo don't get angry taetae I know but let me explain everything to you(while holding his hands)
Taehyung : Don't you understand anything huh ??(while raising voice)
Y/N flinched as he raised voice, tears started forming in her eyes still she tried to talk to him..
Y/N : T-tae le-let's talk se-see look ar-around it's f-for us....

Taehyung POV :

I couldn't bear looking at her state but looking around i understood what was going to happen i gulped and glanced back to her , my eyes went wide as I saw her on knee...

Y/N : Taetae let's start our relationship in new way ;
Will you be my boyfriend!!??(while extending rose towards me)

As i heard the words I felt something different as I felt extremely happy like I wanna kiss her and say yes I was about to embrace her but reality hit me and made a poker face and started laughing as she looked at me in confusion

Taehyung : Omg you are so so dumb Y/N !! (while laughing )
Y/N : Why did I do something wrong tae??
Taehyung : Didn't you even understand why I am trying to avoid this relationship and all....
Y/N : What are you talking about tae??
Taehyung : Aiish i don't wanna get committed to you because I NEVER LOVED YOU OR FELT FOR YOU...

My heart clenched at my own words while seeing tears running down her cheeks I just wanted to hold her in my embrace I wanna cry out loud but its for us...

Y/N : Y-you a-are lying right tae!!!
Taehyung : Aiish jimin calls you right dumbhead , even though he was right you ran behind me.....
Y/N : Huh what are you saying this all taehyung ......
Taehyung : Me and love and falling for someone not possible but I should admit you were great like kissing and all , I would have got more(got cut off )
Y/N : (holding my hands) I know I know you are worrying me just just because I ignored you but tae it's not like that..(while sobbing)

I couldn't bear anymore as she didn't accept my lies, i cursed myself as I pushed her away harshly and she fell on the ground while groaning in pain I felt sting in my heart at my actions but i walked away holding my suitcase.I could her screaming my name I could sense she running behind me....

Y/N : Wait !!! KIM TAEHYUNG!!! You can't leave me like this you can't you can't....
Taehyung : Shut up !!! And move i don't wanna waste my time move aside (while pushing her away)
Suddenly i got call I checked the caller id and accepted it....
Taehyung : Hyung...
Seokjin : Where are you taehyung it's almost time to leave.
Taehyung : Hyung I am on way meet you there.
As I ended the call , my eyes met her eyes which were filled with confusion,love, affection and all mixed emotions...
Y/N : Where are you going tell me ??
Taehyung : None of your business...
Y/N : It's my business because you are mine got it !!!!
Omg this girl !!! Why can't she understand she is making me regret even tho i am being selfish but it's just for us suddenly I heard car honk as i saw namjoon hyung in car waiting for me as i walked away while pushing her away , i sat in car as hyung drove away.....


I couldn't handle anymore as I ran behind the car i kept shouting his name he was acting heartless but the car didn't stop or he didn't felt guilty at my state , I fell on my knees on the street as i cried my heart out immediately i pulled out my phone as if now only Irene can handle me but I saw so many calls from jimin oppa I ignored and dialed Irene number , it was just ringing but no reply I tried once but still no reply....

Y/N : Why-why with me God !!??(while sobbing hard)

Suddenly my phone rang as I saw caller id I answered call...
Y/N : H-hello oppa..(sobbing)
Jimin : Where the hell are you Y/N huh???
Y/N : I-I op-oppa...
Jimin : Just stay where you are and keep your location on...

As oppa ended call , I hugged my knees and didn't move an inch my mind was just filled with tae; how can he , why did he , did he really play with my feelings but suddenly my thoughts interrupted as someone held my shoulder I looked up just to meet puffed up red eyes of my oppa.... I quickly got up as he started crying and pulled me into a hug...

Y/N : Oppa...oppa what's wrong why are you crying oppa???
Jimin : Let's go Y/N....
Y/N : But where oppa and why are you crying!!??

He didn't say anything and guided me to the car seat as he started the engine and kept driving , i kept fidgeting my fingers as i couldn't bear anymore hurtful things i felt soft palm on my fingers as my tears again started to flow....

Jimin : What's wrong Y/N ?? (while holding tears and whispering)
Y/N : Oppa tae didn't mean anything about us ; he left me (while crying hard)
Jimin : What ??? What you mean tell me everything...

I told oppa each and everything as he fisted his palm tight and punched the steering wheel in anger I could see him holding his tears and cursing taehyung , soon our car was infront of XXX hospital I looked over oppa but he got out of car and came to my side as I got down too he held my hand tight .
After walking through many wards we came infront of a ward as oppa started crying , i saw aunt(ajumma) and uncle (ajhushii) in the ward, oppa held my hand and led me to the ward as soon i entered soon my eyes fell on the two figures with white cloth ,my heartbeat went unstable as my breathing got hard when I saw my eomma appa laying there lifeless soon everything went black around me.....

Stay tuned for the next part
I know Y/N is having a hard time😭😭
But don't get upset....plzzz vote and comment tooo if you like it
Saranghae 🫰
Borahae 💜

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