Part 15 : Hurdles

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Taehyung POV :

As soon as our private jet landed in Paris , I felt a light tap on my shoulder as I felt annoyed when my cupcake face got blurred and my eyes got teary....

Seokjin : Taehyung wake up !!!
My eyes shot open as I heard hyung's voice and got back to reality , i lazily got up from the seat and walked past ignoring him....I could sense his anger still I went and settled myself in car...

Seokjin : How dare he....he just testing my patience level..(in an annoyed tone)
Namjoon : Hyung just calm down...
Seokjin : Are you rather trying to stand up for taehyung ?? (glaring namjoon)
Namjoon : Noo noo hyung but you know how our spoiled one is.....
Seokjin : Hmph.. I agree
Namjoon : look who agrees who has spoiled him (in a whispering tone)
Seokjin : Perhaps did you say anything...
Namjoon gulped and disagreed as they both settled in car too...

I unlocked my phone as i adored my cupcake picture she was looking so cute in my hoodie , i scrolled more pictures where she was just so beautiful, hot , elegant....words were less enough to describe my girl ; I sighed at the thought of calling her my girl even after hurting her with my words and actions.
Soon the car stopped as I looked at our magnificent mansion, I walked out of the car and stared at the mansion uninterested while hyungs already entered the mansion as followed them lazily as I was heading upstairs I stopped on my tracks with the cold voice..

Seokjin : Taehyung behave... are you ignoring the fact we are tolerating you..
Taehyung : Do i care...
Namjoon : Hyung let's not heat up the situation....taehyung go get changed we are going to meet eomma appa at hospital.

I nodded as I went upstairs, soon I got changed into something comfortable and glanced at my phone; thought of calling my cupcake certainly came into my mind but avoided it and went downstairs then we drove to hospital....

At hospital ~~

T/D : Do you think your plan will work honey !!??
T/M : Of course it will....I know tae won't come to us if we will ask him to come but he cares and respects us he will definitely come to us after knowing about your health...
T/D : I hope he doesn't get hurt honey after learning we know how he is...
T/M : He is our son don't worry he won't get hurt at all.....

Soon i parked the car and we entered the hospital, all the doctors and nurses present immediately bowed in respect I sighed as I just hated this actions towards us ; i thought 'cant we just be treated as a normal human being just like my cupcake does to me '...
Then doctor guided us to the ward , i stood infront of the ward and saw my eomma sobbing and appa weakly laying on the bed as eomma felt my presence eomma quickly came and engulfed me in her embrace I couldn't control myself anymore and hugged her back....

T/M : My bear has got so weak....
Taehyung : Eomma don't call me bear....I have grown up now
T/M : So what you still my bear...(while caressing my cheek)
Taehyung : How's appa health eomma...did doctor say anything??
T/M : Doctor said he is improving but he can't focus on stressful work...
Taehyung : Appa doesn't have to work anymore eomma..Hyungs are there to work so now appa should pay more attention to his health.
Seokjin: Eomma don't forget your most handsome son is here because of him and taehyung why only us, now take initiative to look upon company...
Taehyung: I have already made myself clear i wanna build career in gaming and not in this damn company.....
Namjoon : But taehyung just learning about work isn't bad enough..

I rolled my eyes in annoyance but suddenly I saw eomma eyes teary which broke my heart ; I sighed and went near bed where appa was laying.... I held appa's hand as tears fell from my eyes I always saw appa working with all efforts but him being weak like this I never imagined in my life....I saw appa opening eyes weakly...

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