Part 8 : Secrets

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Clearing my thoughts, I kissed her forehead , then her eyes ,her nose and lastly when I was about to kiss her soft lips......

Jimin : Kim Taehyung What.Are.You.Doing.Here !??

I flinched and backed away with the sudden voice...
Jimin : And you dumbhead you let him in huhh???(in an irritated tone)
Y/N : Uhh it's not what you think oppa we just -
I cut off her as I replied.
Taehyung : Come on jimin-shii I came to make up with my cupcake (with a nervous tone )

Jimin glared me as I looked down.

Jimin: Of course you came!! But what about this cupcake means to you..
Y/N : Oppa let's not start it with again..(with pleading eyes)
Taehyung : I told you I still don't know jimin..

Y/N frowned as she again hear the same words he always but never said she is my girlfriend or something like that.

Jimin : If that's the case then are you just playing with my sister's feelings tell me taehyung (with a calm still angry tone)
Y/N widened her eyes and looked over taehyung's direction waiting for his reply...
Taehyung : Jimin stop it!!! I never even thought of it ,I am your best friend and how can you even think like that (with a raised tone )

Just by saying this taehyung left from there in anger and hurt.


I know he has feelings for me but what is stopping him from confessing his feelings. I sighed and sat on my bed while staring at the floor while oppa came and sat beside me..

Jimin : I am sorry Y/N...but i won't be able to see my little dumbhead crying over someone even tho he is my best friend.
Y/N : You don't have to apologise oppa, more than me you know him very well and about us his actions speak more than his words (with a soft smile)
Jimin : My dumbhead has grown a lot!!!(while pulling Y/N cheeks)
Y/N : Aiiish leave my cheeks shortie!!!
With that both started chuckling while hugging each other.

Irene was waiting at a cafe while scrolling her phone suddenly a figure and stood behind while catching breath...
Irene : You are late again as always you- !!!(while whining)
But she got cut off with a peck on her soft lips..
Jungkook : Sorry my baby but I tried to soon as possible(while giving a small smile)
Irene : Uhh it's alright (while being a blushing mess)
Jungkook : My carrot is looking soo cute while blushing!! (while admiring her)
Irene : Oo come on stop it and tell me why you called here !!??
Jungkook : I just wanted to spend time with my girl....
Irene started chuckling while admiring him whining like a baby as she pulled his cheeks.
Irene : Is that so my bunny (in a teasing tone)
Jungkook : Of course!! First of all we have to hide our relationship and act normal infront of hyung's and Y/N...and we meet like this we just get time by meeting secretly.
Irene : I know I know kookie but we have to understand...
Jungkook : But why we have to hide it I don't understand Irene?
Irene: Y/N is always so stressed and frustrated about taehyung's behaviour which makes me upset. My bestie is upset and how can I tell her about us jungkook and on the other hand I don't understand what's going between them...
Jungkook hummed as he is also thinking about his hyung's behaviour.
Jungkook : But at least they have to know about us Irene I can't handle it anymore... I wanna hug my girl and show whom you belong to (while kissing her hand)
Irene chuckled and blushed at his words suddenly her attention was caught by her phone ringing and caller ID showed Y/N...
She quickly accepted the call...
Irene : Hey bish!! Wassup...
Y/N : Where are you ?
Irene : Uhh me-(got cut off)
Y/N : Think of lying and i'll kick your ass
Irene gulped nervously and she turned her head towards the cafe window , she saw her bestie with raised eyebrows and giving glares to her and she knew she is doomed for sure...

After all whatever happened , I wanted to clear everything between me and taehyung so I decided to call him he didn't recieve as always but instead sent me a text that he needs some time alone...
I sighed and thought to get something to eat to change my mood ; i headed out as oppa is also with his girlfriend. I wore my shoes as I plugged my earphones and walked out to the nearest cafe.
Soon I thought my bestie my saviour can accompany me so i thought to give her call but I saw her bestie's crush Jeon jungkook is kissing her bestie hand....

In cafe:

I took my seat and waiting them to speak from past 15 mins as they were stealing glances to each other. I am really really happy for my bestie but I didn't know why she didn't told me about them.Finally i decided to speak.

Y/N : Why ? Secrets from me !?Why you hid it !? And from when ?(in a stern voice)
Irene: O-one mo-month ( in a scared tone)
I just looked away as i gasped internally surely i wanted to break her neck in minutes but I let them continue...
Jungkook :Uhh calm down and let me order something for us!!!(in a nervous tone)
Y/N : Calm down, Oo really!? my bestie is in relationship and i didn't had any idea (rolling eyes)
Irene : I wanted to tell you everything Y/N-aah but I felt i will be selfish just when my bestie is going through this all (with a pout)
Jungkook : She was even rejecting me Y/N-aah, i only know how I managed to make her understand...

My eyes softened as they explained me everything i quickly pulled my bestie in a hug..
Y/N : Aigoo, I am soo lucky to have you bishh!!

Irene chuckled at my words as she pulled away and
I pecked her cheeks and jungkook gasped.

Jungkook: Please can you maintain distance from my girl;I get jealous as my carrot keeps talking about you (while pulling irene in his embrace)

Both girls chuckled and jungkook ordered some pastries and drinks for them.

Irene: So how about you guys !?
Y/N : He came to me to make up again but returned in anger. ( with a sigh)
Irene : What !? Why ??
Jungkook : By any chance did you guys again argue?
Y/N : Nope we didn't but between jimin oppa and him..
Jungkook : Why did jimin hyung saw you both ??
I nodded and looked down.
Irene : Did jimin oppa say anything?
Y/N : He asked if he is using my feelings..
They both gasped.
Jungkook & Irene: What !!! Hyung / Taehyung won't ever do it..
Y/N : I know still jimin oppa asked it out of concern.

Taehyung POV :
As i was too hurt and angry after what jimin my best friend said to me, i sighed as i knew he was concerned about his younger sister still i am his best friend. I was going to enter my house I got call from Y/N,I ignored but still I knew she will keep worrying so i sent her message. As I was about to slid my phone back in my pocket I got message from club about finals are soon and there's a competition. At least it will distract me i thought as i walked to the internet cafe....

At internet cafe :
I got settled on my seat with my partner kristen, the match got interested as no one can win over me; I smirked as I had whole power in my hands and few minutes there were cheers of my name
...."Kim taehyung" Kim taehyung " as i walked off my seat and went out stretching my hands but suddenly caught off guard as someone backhugged me and kissed on my back and saw Y/N infront of me gasping while tear left her eyes....

Stay tuned for the next part
Sorry for late update...
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