Part 17 - Dazed II

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Bullet passed through jungkook's flesh as blood oozed out he screamed in pain and fell unconscious on ground ; Irene screamed in shock as she ran towards him...

Irene: Jungkook !!! open your eyes..... help somebody help..

Some people gathered around them as they started helping jungkook as one of them called ambulance until the ambulance arrived Irene held him in her embrace and cried her out....

Jimin POV :

I rushed my car as I got up late and now late for meeting ; i kept cursing myself and accelerated my car but got caught up in traffic as all people were crowding the road , frustration and anger took over me as I got off car...

Jimin : Yahh !!! What's happening here...

As i walked past through them and kept asking them but i felt numb as i saw my maknae ;jungkook in miserable condition and Irene had half of clothes covered in blood and crying...I couldn't help but called out her name

Jimin : Irene..

Soon as I called her she looked at me in same state...

Irene : Jimin jungkookie..
Jimin : Don't cry Irene....let me help you carrying him

Irene nodded as i was about to carry him , an ambulance arrived as I helped them to settle him in ambulance...Irene and I was about to sit in ambulance

Nurse : Sorry sir but only we can only allow one person with the patient...
Jimin : Don't worry irene-aah...I'll be behind the ambulance only....

Irene nodded as I ran to my car and drove behind the ambulance ; it took half an hour to reach hospital as soon all doctors gathered around and took him to operation theatre...

Jimin : Irene stop crying please , look jungkook is literally a muscle bunny don't you say it hmm!!!
Irene : I was so helpless jimin oppa ( while crying hard )
Jimin : How did it happen Irene- aah??
Irene : W-we go-got ou-out of c-car (talking inbetween cries)
Jimin : Here drink water irene-aah....

She took glass with shaking hands from my hand and gulped it down , i couldn't see her state as i comforted her after a few minutes she calmed down and took a deep breath...

Irene : Jimin jungkookie smiled at me and suddenly I saw blood oozing and my baby on ground unconscious...

She started crying miserably as doctor came out we rushed towards him...

Jimin : How is he doctor ???
Doctor : It's not too critical Mr Park but the bullet was too strong to hurt his veins so few days he will have to be here...
Jimin : Bullet...
Doctor : If possible file up a case Mr Park...
Irene : Can i meet him doctor ???
Doctor : After some hours you can meet him Miss...
Irene : Thank you doctor...
Jimin : Irene let him rest and you come with me at my place...
Irene : Noo noo jimin oppa I can't leave him alone...
Jimin : I'll be with you Irene....and he won't like to see you in this miserable state and this blood will make him more worried you agree with me right..

Irene nodded while sobbing as we went to the receptionist and I paid the bills and went towards my car as we drove away to my place....


We reached to boss place ; I couldn't stop my hands trembling as hobi got tired of asking me about my situation but I answered none to him...I only know how i m trying to control my emotions even though Irene and i argued he always cheered me and told me soon he will try to bring us together and I...a voice interrupted my thoughts as I looked up towards the owner voice...

Suga : Hey dumbo , boss has called you let's go...and yes can't you respond at once huh!!
Y/N : Stop being a jerk...
Suga : What the hell did you just said huh you...

Suga was about to snap at me as hobi came in between ...

Hobi : Woah woah chill Suga not gonna lie but Y/N it was dayumnn....
Suga : Hobi you...I will see you both later on

As he walked away towards boss cabin..I knew hobi was trying to cheer me but I just couldn't get all scene out of my mind and entered boss cabin..

Mr Choi: Oh my child Y/N !!!

We all bowed down in respect...

Y/N : Boss..
Mr Choi: Look at you now...Suga updated me each and every single about you..
Y/N : Oh did he !!?
Mr Choi : Yes and all about today task too...

As boss mentioned it, my hands started shaking again and of course boss noticed it...

Mr Choi: Suga explain hobi about the further task...I want to talk something important to Y/N
Suga : Yes boss...

As they both walked out , i sighed as i knew I couldn't hide anything from boss....More like this year even though boss was at abroad he always showed some appa's love and always kept a look at my work and appreciated me...

Mr Choi: Now you can speak your heart Y/N..
Y/N : It's nothing boss...
Mr Choi: I ain't asking you as boss Y/N....Now tell me what's wrong my child ??

I couldn't held my emotions anymore as i burst into tears infront of him and fell on ground harshly as i couldn't stand anymore at how ungrateful I am to my loved ones...

Y/N : I..I shot my close one boss...the task was given to kill my close one(while crying hard)
Mr Choi: Huh what???
Y/N : I am just selfish ungrateful to my loved ones...
Mr Choi: Don't cry child i know how it feels....
Y/N : You do !??
Mr Choi: I have went through all this Y/N...i can't assure you anything about future but don't do mistakes what i did by hurting my loved ones..
Y/N : But I did ( while crying hard)
Mr Choi: You are like my daughter Y/ hurts me seeing you like this and now you are getting stronger my child you can stand them infront of your rivals...

I nodded as I felt little support and assurance, i stood up and wipe my tears...

Y/N : You are right boss...
Mr Choi: It's great you accepted go Suga will assign and explain you task

I bowed and walked off towards our training room...I just wanted some rest so I picked up my bag and was about to walk away but the devil interrupted me..

Suga : Where you think you're going ??
Y/N : Home...
Suga : You can't I need you to assign something..
Y/N : But I'll return early...
Suga : Don't make me repeat again got it...
Hobi : Hey...hey not again you both and Suga she totally needs rest so let her off...
Suga : That's what I thought why you didn't speak still....
Hobi : Oo come on you giving me treat now let's go...

As they were talking basically hobi distracting devil he signalled me to escape as i sprinted away from there in flash of light...

Time skip~

I drove and parked my car infront of our house as I got off and saw oppa's car...

Y/N : Oppa so early ( in mind )

I knocked on the door soon oppa opened door, i saw him sobbing...

Y/N : Oppa what's wrong ???
Jimin : First come in princess...
Y/N : But why are you sobbing oppa...did any fucker trouble you let me know...
Jimin : Ju-jungkook my maknae...

As oppa mentioned him I felt my legs froze at the spot , words just couldn't come out of my mouth as i gulped hard...

Jimin : Princess you have to find that fucking person who did this to our jungkook....(in rage voice)
Y/N : Op-oppa it was me-me...

Further i couldn't speak I just felt a sting pain on my cheek....

To be continued....
Stay tuned for the next part..
Sorry guys it was really difficult to be motivated this weeks still I promise to keep writing
Take care of yourself guyss
Plz vote and comment if you like the part..
Borahae 💜

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