Chapter - 1

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The chirping of birds and bright sunlight made the girl sleeping on her bed , to wake up from her dreamland .

She slowly opened her beautiful eyes just to see a beautiful view outside the window .

" What a beautiful start " she said while stretching her arms.

She checked her alarm clock and realised that she had woke up 15 min earlier from her daily time .

" Good job Jisoo . 15 min earlier" she praised herself

Jisoo went to the  bathroom , took a bath and came out wearing her clothes .

She locked the house and gave the extra keys to her landlady and went to the bus stand.

She was waiting patiently on the bus stand for the bus to arrive when a creepy man came and stood beside her .
She could easily sense the negativity he was radiating but didn't take any action.

The bus was about to come. And now many people were standing on the bus stop . Taking the advantage of the situation, the man inappropriately touched her thinking she wouldn't know who did this . But as she is our Jisoo , she already knew who did this and without waiting a second she turned and gave a tight slap to that person.

" How does it feel ? " she said in a sarcastic tone .
" Want to feel more ? Huh? "

" Wh-what are y-you do-doing ?" The man said stuttering

" Don't try to be so innocent ! How brave of you to firstly touch someone inappropriately and then behave innocent ! " she said and struck his feet with her heels .

Everyone was shocked there and started gossiping.
Till then the bus also came . She gave a last death glare to that person and went inside the bus.

She was not like those girls who didn't do anything or stand for themselves. Her self respect is her first priority and she can't tolerate this kind of misbehaviour with her or with anyone else .

She reached her College. Attended all the classes with full attention.
As already discussed,she  was very determined towards her dreams .

Many boys have crush on her but never dared to confess because of her cold nature . It's not like girls hate her because everyone knew she had a great heart but they also don't talk much to her because of her , a  little arrogant and short tempered nature .

Because of this jisoo had only two friends in the college - Rosé and Lisa . And she was happy with them .

After the college , jisoo and Jennie always meet at a place and talked to each other to releive their stress .

Today also jisoo went to meet Jennie at a café . Both of them talked a lot with each other . Jisoo also shared today's incident at the bus stop . Jennie was very angry at that person but she was happy and proud that her best friend is very brave to handle such kind of situations.
" Jisooyaaa~~i also want to live with you " Jennie said making a pout.

" Then you are most welcome" jisoo said happily

" I think I need to talk with your landlady " Jennie said and both of them started laughing.
Although jisoo is cold towards others but she had a special side which only Jennie knew .

After a long talk both of them went to their respective homes .

Jisoo lives in a rented house as they don't have enough money to buy a new house for her and she was definitely ok with that.

She was very exhausted after attending all the lectures and wanted to take a rest . She prepared the dinner and was about to start eating it when the doorbell of her door rang . She was confused that who would be at this time .
She went towards the door and opened it . She was surprised to see her landlady .
" Oh ahjumma you ? At this time ? Do you need anything " jisoo asked her politely.

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