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( 11:40 pm )
Then the waiter came with a cake...
" It's beautiful" jisoo exclaimed in happiness seeing the beautiful cake

" Ikr ..I have chosen this one " Jennie said with a proud look

" Ok now let's cut it . The day is about to end " jk said

Hearing this jisoo checked her phone again but still no response..

As she was about to cut the cake... suddenly the lights went off ..

" Oh ! What happened to the electricity ? " Jisoo asked in confusion..

" Uhmm...I don't know..let me check"
Jimin said and went along with jungkook to check the things out.

Jisoo and Jennie were sitting there

After few min they arrived ..

" What's the problem? Why the electricity was cut off ? " Jisoo asked to them

" Uh.. actually the manager said that there is some problem with the inverter here .." jk said

" So ? What will we do now ? " Jennie asked

" But there is nothing to worry about..the inverter of this place has been cut off but there is a place in the backyard also which has full electricity so we can go there..it's also the part of the café and it's even more beautiful "
Jimin said

" Ohk then let's go there " jisoo said.

" Uh..jisoo I guess you should go first and sit ..we all are coming with the cakes and other stuffs.." Jennie said

" Oh then give me some..I will also help you " jisoo said

" No no..you have a long dress and you might trample on it so you just go carefully..we are just coming in few min "

" Ok then "

Jisoo went to the place where they told her to go..
The moment she went there everything was dark there ..means electricity is not here as well.

I guess there is some problem with the inverter of this place as well .

I guess I should tell them about this

The moment she was about to go.. suddenly the lights were turned on.
And she got surprised seeing the place..it was a 100 times better than the previous one..
It was all decorated with lights , roses , hearts , streamers and also there was a mesmerizing fragrance of the scent of flowers..

" Woww..!! It's amazing"

Suddenly she heard a voice from her behind which made her heart skip a beat.

" Jisoo..." The voice from behind came

Hearing the voice ..jisoo's heart started beating faster. She fearfully and slowly turned towards her back to see .. and the sight made her almost faint..

It was Taehyung..
Yes it was Taehyung wearing a red suit which was in perfect coordination with her dress and he was kneeling down on his knees with a box of ring in his hand

" Kim jisoo....no.. no..
DR. KIM JISOO ...will you marry me ? " He said while showing his beautiful boxy smile and all the love and longing in his eyes...

On the other hand jisoo was out of words witnessing this unbelievable moment which she had always dreamt of..
There was written a big heart hanging there with their name

" What happened? Please tell fast..your birthday is about to be over.. ? " He said with desperation in his voice

" y- yes...!! Yes Dr.Kim Taehyung " she said with tears in her eyes..but this time the tears were of happiness

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