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" Jisoo ! "

" Don't shout ! I can hear you "

" Oh really? Thanks for informing that you are not deaf . " Taehyung said and gave her a sarcastic look.

" Was it a joke ?...now stop with your nonsense and say what do you want ?"

" Today my friends are coming in the evening. "

"Why ? "

" Huh? "

" I mean why today ? "

" Ofcourse to meet their one and only handsome friend. You won't believe but not only girls , even boys also like my handsome face . And same is the case with my friends as well . It has been 2 weeks since they had seen my handsome face . They must be missing it because they don't have one like me"

" Ohh really !?? "

" Yeah "

" Hmm... Let's see then "

Jisoo was listening to the songs when she heard something from the bathroom.

" Ohh God what happened?!! " She shouted form outside to know what's happening

" Ahh !!! " It seemed like the person from inside was growling in pain.

She banged the door after hearing his voice.

" Taehyung !! Taehyung! Are you ok ? "

" Ji-jisoo...my leg ! It's hurting !!"

Hearing the intensity of pain in his voice , she started panicking. Her heart was beating rapidly on the thought of what happened to him.

" Taehyung! Open the door ! "

As soon as the sound of opening the door from inside was heard , she bursted in there.. but seeing the sight in front of her she turned her face ..

Taehyung was on the floor , fully naked from top and only a towel was wrapped around his waist . His hairs were also wet .

" Why are you like this ? Where are your clothes? " Jisoo asked still facing the opposite side.

This made Taehyung to be in shock.
" Huh ? What do you mean ? Who baths while wearing the clothes ? "

" Uh..yes .... But why are you there on the ground and what happened?"

" Don't ask me anything right now and help me to get up from here "

" Ohh ! Yeah ! I am sorry "

She went towards him by closing her eyes but making sure that she doesn't slip or stumble over anything .

She tried to hold him but couldn't find his body . Her actions were looking like of a blind man searching for his stick.
Seeing her this behaviour, Taehyung couldn't hold his laughter.

" Don't behave like you haven't seen it before "

Hearing this , her cheeks turned red .
Without saying anything, she slowly opened her eyes and went towards him . She was hesitant to hold him but still somehow managed . Her hands were shaking and as soon as they touched his body , Taehyung felt goosebumps by her touch , his heart started beating faster and so was the case with jisoo as well . She helped him to stand up.

" Hold your towel tight . "

" You Don't worry about that. It won't fell "

His body was giving her an unusual sensation and her cheeks were heated up .

She took him out and handed him the clothes.
He wore them while she was inside .
After he told her that he was done jisoo came out . But this time , that face wasn't looking angelic but was back to her cold look , which could pierce anyone's heart just by those stares.

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