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Jisoo went towards the couch area which was at a corner of the hall .
She isn't the type of person who can socialize with people easily . Plus all this environment was very new for her so she decided to sit and observe it .
Then Jennie and her other friends also came to her .
" Hi jisoo " one of her classmate tzuyu greeted her.

" Hello tzuyu "

" See Don't get me wrong but not only me infact everyone is surprised to see you here...and on top of that you are looking really beautiful in this attire "
She was praising her genuinely and sincerely, and jisoo could easily feel that in her voice.

" Is it so ? ...then thanks a lot. Actually I am not habitual to such parties "

" I guess there is no harm in trying new things , afterall we are adults now "

" Yeah .. you are right "
Jisoo laughed . All of them were talking when again one of her classmate yeji said

" BTW jisoo , I must say you have changed a lot . And it's in a positive way . Now you have become more joyful , started coming to parties , started talking to everyone. ....To be honest Earlier i thought you were rude or having pride that every boy has a crush on you , but now I must take my statement back . I shouldn't have judged you earlier. I am really sorry for that " yeji said feeling guilty.

" It's totally fine yeji . Not only you but everyone think like this only . If I were at your place , I would have thought the same " jisoo assured her

" Thank you so much . I don't know who or what is the reason behind your change , but I really appreciate it . "

" It's ofc Taehyung. Isn't it ? " Jennie said to tease jisoo .

" Really ? I also think it's Taehyung. Now it's proved that love can change anyone " tzuyu said

" Girls hold on ! It's not at all like that " jisoo said.

After few min .
" Jisoo I need to go . My boyfriend is calling me . It was really nice to meet you . ....Friends? " Tzuyu extended her hands further.

Jisoo gladly accepted it . And then yeji also extended her hand . Jisoo laughed and accepted her handshake as well.

Taehyung POV

I was talking to my friends.

" Hey Taehyung! See isn't that girl looking hot . Wanna give it a try "
Jk asked me . I looked towards her and to be honest, I don't know why but I felt disgusted seeing her being clingy all over other men and revealing her skin to them .

" She is just shameless . "

"Huh ? " Jk said in shock .

I looked over jisoo who was talking with her friends. I was happy that finally she is able to get open to people.

" Ok then what about that girl . I guess she suits you . " Jk again showed me one girl.

" Please jk can you stop it now . I am here to meet you and enjoy the party  , not to hangout with those strippers. "

" Dude dude dude !! What happened to you ? Are you real Kim Taehyung or his dopple ganger " jk asked in shock and started touching my face and hands.

" Yahh jk ! I am Kim Taehyung only , your friend "

" If it's real then what happened to you dude ? You were never like this . Even if you were sick , you didn't miss any chance to flirt with girls but today ? Where is my flirty , playboy Taehyung "

Uff what to do of this boy !!

But wait -
My eyes went towards a figure standing near the bartender
Isn't he that same guy Suho , who proposed to jisoo .
I followed his gaze and ended on jisoo.

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