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Jisoo - Hey ...

Taehyung - hi

Jisoo - what are you doing? 🙃

Taehyung - uhmm.. nothing. Just preparing for something .

Jisoo - Preparation? For what ?

Taehyung - uh.. nothing special

Jisoo - Oh ☹️

Taehyung - hmm..

Jisoo - Don't you have anything to say ?

Taehyung - Like what ?

Jisoo - I mean don't you have to tell me how are things going on your side and other stuffs..


Why isn't he answering ?

Suddenly the door bell rang..
She went and opened it revealing Jennie with jimin and jk

" Wow !! What a surprise? " Jisoo welcomed them with a warm smile.

" Don't you like it ? " Jimin asked while entering first.

" Ofc I loved it. But why so sudden? Is everything ok ? " Jisoo asked

" Yes unnie everything is perfectly fine " Jennie replied

" We have came here to remind you something very important. " Jk said adjusting him in the blankets.

" What ? " She asked

" Have you forgotten Christmas is coming in 2 days . So we have came to discuss the plan for the same "
Jk told her while putting his head in a comfortable position in the pillow.

" Oh yeah. I totally forgot about it. Before that do you guys want anything to eat or something? "

" No . Not right now. " Jennie said

" Ok wait I will bring you some juice"

" Yeah that will work. And a banana shake for me . " Jk said with a wide grin.

" Yeah I know. I have bought one today only "
She went inside and threw her phone on the side table only without unlocking it..

Suddenly a notification popped and the sound caught jungkook's attention who was sitting beside the table only. He saw and decided to ignore it but as soon as he saw the I'd of Taehyung. He couldn't hold himself anymore and opened the notification.

" What are you doing with her phone ?;Don't you have manners ? "
Jennie asked with a judgemental look

" Shut up ! I saw it's Taehyung's notification that's why I have opened it otherwise I also know to respect others' privacy "

He opened the post and the other two also peeked into it.

" Do you guys know who is this girl ? " Jennie asked to jk and jimin and at that very moment jisoo also came .

" What are you guys doing with my phone ? " Jisoo kind of shouted at them in a motherly tone.

" Uhm.. nothing. Sorry for touching your phone without permission but I saw Taehyung 's notification and also your phone was left unlocked so i couldn't help myself. Sorry again" jk apologised and handed her the phone.

" It's ok. " She said and looked at the screen where that same pic was still opened.. captioned -
What a wonderful day it was 🤩

" You didn't answer me . Do you know who is this girl ? " Jennie asked again.

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