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" Ahh!!!!! " Jisoo shouted while seeing the clock .
Taehyung who was sleeping on the sofa , fell from it and woke up suddenly by this horrific start of the day .

" What happened? " He stood hurriedly and went towards her.

" It's already 9am . Who the hell turned off my alarm ?!!! "

" I ...I t-turned it off "

" Why ?!! Oh god now I am late for the college"

Taehyung started laughing.

" Are you a psycho ? " Jisoo said while seeing him with weird expressions.

Hearing this Taehyung started laughing even more hardly ..

" Oh my god ! Someone help me !! Save me from this psycho " this time jisoo was looking a little scared for real.

Seeing this Taehyung tried to control his laugh .
" I-i am s-sorry but are you a fool ? "

" Huh ? "

" You definitely are ! Have you forgotten today is the weekend "

Then jisoo realised , yes it was indeed the holiday today.
" But still who gave you the right to turn off my alarm . I don't have time to waste like you . I could have revised or done the work within these few hours which have been wasted by you "

" Yesterday you fell asleep on me "

" What ? "

" I-i mean on my shoulder. So i put you on bed and you were seemed to be in deep slumber so I turned off the alarm so that you could sleep peacefully. "

Jisoo felt a little bad for shouting at him .
" Ok. Now why are you standing here , remember your part of work right ? I am already feeling hungry"

Taehyung sighs and went to make a breakfast.

While eating breakfast.

" By the way ... When are you going to leave from here " jisoo said while munching the food in her mouth.

Taehyung choked on his food by this sudden question. He started coughing. Jisoo passed him a glass of water. He drank it immediately without wasting a second.

" You didn't answer my question. When are you leaving from here ? " Jisoo repeated her question again .

" Ahh ~~ it hurts " Taehyung dramatically put his hand on his chest . " You are so straightforward and it's sounding really rude . You could have asked the same being a little polite " he showed a little pout.

" I don't like indirect questions and if it's sounding rude to you then it's not my problem"

" Do you want me to leave ? " Taehyung leaned his face closer to jisoo and kind of whispered the sentence with a slight smirk on his face .

" Definitely YES !

He was shocked to hear this .

" Right now I don't have any plan to leave "

" Whenever you will decide to leave then immediately give me that good news . Got it ? "

" Is it a good news for you ? "

" Yes "

They were talking when their doorbell rang .
Jisoo opened the door to check upon the person.

" Oh ajhumma ! Please come " jisoo invited their landlady .

" Oh thank you so much dear. I hope I haven't disturbed you "
The lady aka Mrs.Park came in .

" No not at all . Infact you have came at the right time , we were just having breakfast only , you can also join us " Jisoo followed her .

Taehyung noticed MrsPark.
" Oh Mrs . Park ! Good morning. How are you doing? " He greeted her with a wide smile

" Ahjumma please have a seat . "
Jisoo said

" Ahh Thank you jisoo dear "
She took a seat with them .

" You wait here , I will serve to you "
Jisoo was about to serve when she stopped her.

" No no jisoo . I just came because I was alone and wanted a company, then i remembered today you have a holiday . Also I have some work from you both "

" You are always welcome "

Jisoo sat with them .

" Mrs . Park you are looking younger than the last time I saw you . And more beautiful as well " Taehyung said in a dramatic way showing his surprise.

Jisoo gave him a disgusting reaction seeing his overacting.

" Hahah ... Oh Taehyung dear ! You are always like that . Still thanks for your compliment"

" NO NO I am being real "

" Is it so ? Oh my god ! Then maybe , I am really becoming more beautiful and younger " Mrs. Park also joined Taehyung's drama and showed a dramatic pride .

Jisoo also laughed with them .
She was surprised to see Mrs. Park behaving like this because it was rare to see her this side . Jisoo was living here for around 2 yrs but had never seen this side of Mrs . Park . She had always seen her with a serious face with sweetness and kindness but today was something different.

" He definitely is something different! " Jisoo was amazed by his personality. How can he make an old lady behave like this .
She realised she was smiling towards him for a while . She immediately brought that normal face of hers again ..
" Thank God he didn't saw me smiling weirdly towards him " she thought to herself.

After a funful time . Mrs Park finally stood to go . Then something struck her mind .

" Oh I forgot the thing for which I have came here . Jisoo and Taehyung today I want to invite you both for the dinner . My few friends are also going to come , and they will definitely enjoy your company. I will make something that suits your generation type so don't worry for the food "

" But .."

" We will surely come Mrs . Park ! " Taehyung interrupted jisoo

" Oh thank you so much , you both ."

After she went .

" Why did you agreed at one go ? "
Jisoo asked him

" So do you want me to say 'NO , NO' for formality and cause her to insist us at this age "

" I didn't mean that ! I mean why to give her trouble ? "

" Didn't you saw the hope in her eyes ? She really enjoyed a lot with us , specially with ME ! She is alone and doesn't have anything to do , so what's the problem if we help her with that ? You can't understand how it feels to be alone because you loves being to yourself only . You will understand when you will reach that age "

" I - I uhmm....ok Fine "

Jisoo was about to go when Taehyung called her .

" BTW why were you smiling at me earlier ? "

" What ? When ? "

" Don't fool me "

" I was not smiling at you . Something came to my mind , I was smiling thinking that "

" By seeing towards me ? "

" I didn't realised my eyes were towards you , because I was drown in my thoughts "

" Ok as you say "

Jisoo went away

" She definitely has a good presence of mind !! " Taehyung said

Although jisoo was nervous from inside but she managed to answer his questions without stuttering and with confidence to turn the conversation in her favour.

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