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" what should I do Jennie ? I guess I have over reacted . " Jisoo said with a concerning voice

" I don't think you have done anything wrong . It's obvious of you to react that way. If I would have been at your place then  I would have also done the same...But still if you think you shouldn't have done that then just talk this out with him"

" Hmm..let's see . "

" Don't worry everything will be fine "

*Knock * knock*

" Come in " jisoo said looking towards the door

" Mam reports " a staff entered and handed her the file . She took a bow and left.

" Ok jisoo , I am also going now. You do your work .. and don't forget to talk things out with him .. Don't be tensed hmm ? " Jennie said putting her hands on her shoulder.

" Yeah " jisoo said with a sad tone.


Jisoo was having lunch with her other fellow mates and friends in hospital

"Jisoo is everything ok ? " One of her friend named Lisa asked

" Yeahh "

" But you are not looking fine since morning. Are you sick  ? "

" Uhm..no .. actually I am just tired "

" Yeah now that makes sense. Lately the workload is too much "

Jisoo stood up and started moving towards her cabin

" What happened? " Another friend asked

" Maybe she has to call her boyfriend... isn't it ? " another friend asked with a smirk..

"No no it's not like that.. I am just full. I think i should complete my work and leave home early "

" Jisoo ..." Lisa said

" Hmm? "

" I know there is something else bothering you and If you don't want to tell us  then it's ok , we won't force you..but don't let your personal life affect your professional life.  "

" Yeah. Don't worry I am fine " she smiled and left from there.

I think I should MSG him ....

After 2 hours

He still hasn't seen?
Is he really avoiding me ?
Was I too rude yesterday?

All I could do for now is to wait for his reply..

After 2 days ( 3 Jan )

Jisoo woke up and she saw her notifications filled with birthday wishes.
She replied to them but her eyes were searching for that one person but to her disappointment she saw that he hadn't wished her yet .

Did he forget ??
No no ...this can't happen
Maybe he is just busy ..

Suddenly she received a call and thought it was from him but again it disappointed her..

" Hello Jennie " jisoo said with a sad tone

" Hi..were you expecting someone else ? " She realised what jisoo was thinking just by her voice..
That's what we call best friends.

" No no. I am sorry if I made you feel like that "

" Don't lie to me. And it's totally fine . Ok leave it.. Happy birthday to you my dear bestestttt friend"

" Thanks a lot "

" Now listen I am coming to your  house at 5 pm and you have to be present there. Now I don't want any excuses"

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