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After 5 days

'confess ' 'confess '
The only thing lingering on Taehyung's mind all these days was jungkook's words.

His injury has also healed completely and now he is completely fine .

Taehyung POV

I was lying on my bed and all I could hear was Jk's words...
But why is this being so difficult for me to confess ?
I am used to it right ?
Why thinking about this is making me nervous ?
Maybe I really love her !!
Yes I love her ....

Author pov

Thinking about this ,he was grinning from eye to eye.

He saw jisoo going infront of him ..

" Jisoo ! " He called her

But she didn't responded,her eyes were on her phone and she was smiling and laughing slightly seeing on the screen.

" Jisoo !! " He increased his voice a little to get her attention..

" Yeah ? "

" What's so interesting that you are ignoring me ? Is the phone more good looking than me ? " He said making a pout

She laughed and replied
" It is your friend jimin "

" Jimin ? " His expression changed from cute to serious in an instant of second.

" Yes , he sent me a video of him in a water park ...He is so cute and funny " she laughed while replaying the video..

Then she felt someone grabbing her hand and it was none other than Taehyung. He pushed her slightly towards the wall caging her with his arms..

Seeing him jisoo got scared . He took the phone from her hand and kept it aside..

" Now tell me how do I look ? " He asked staring straight into her eyes.

" W-what ? " She asked in surprise, his breath was directly hitting her face and her cheeks were heated up .
This was a new side of jisoo , which he was seeing.
The girl who always had a bossy and commanding attitude is now being shy just because of a little closeness..

Seeing it he smirked and came more closer without removing his eyes from hers which were looking down . He was enjoying her actions.

" W-what are y-you d-doing ? " She asked stuttering..

" You didn't reply me yet ? How do I look ? "

" Uhh...g-good "

" That's good of you being honest . Now tell me Jimin or me ? "

" What ? " This time she directly looked into his eyes ..
She could see seriousness in his eyes and a different kind of look.
And soon she realised it was jealousy... initially she got surprised realising that but didn't let it shown on her face ..
Deciding to take advantage of this , she decided to tease him..

" Uhmm..you are good looking and there is no doubt in that...but .."

" But ? But what ? "

She looked directly into his eyes
" But jimin is better .. I mean he has got good looks , his jawline , his eyes , his smile , his cuteness, his nature ....Oh my god everything is just perfect about him ! " She said pretending to be amused by him .

And no doubt she got successful in her plan to trigger him..
If not doctor then she could have been a great actor..

" You can't say this ! " Taehyung pissed in annoyance

" But you are the one who asked me" she said making a innocent face but who knows that there is a mischievous act behind this innocence.

" Are you sure ? "
He slowly slid his hands around her waist and got closer and closer .

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