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In the evening

*Ring*  *Ring* they rang the doorbell.

The door was opened by Mrs Park .

" Ohh Taehyung and jisoo ~~ Welcome dear . "

" Good evening" both said in synchronisation.
Both of them looked at each other and mrs.park laughed at them .

" Come inside "

They went inside and we're welcomed a group of ladies who were looking like  in their 50s.

The ladies looked at them .

" Guys he is Taehyung and he is jisoo . Remember, I told you about them yesterday" Mrs Park informed them..

" Ohh yeah ! Taehyung and jisoo. Come children , have a seat " one of the lady asked them to sit with them .

Jisoo was an introvert and seeing 5 to 6 unknown strangers , that too of old generation. She started feeling awkward and was worried, what will they think about her behaviour.
She knew her nature was something , everyone, specially old people won't like . Her straight face with a cold look , also her habit of being straightforward and talking less .

Taehyung sensed the tension and held her hand tightly but that hold was not painful at all . It contained the assurance, trust , calmness and support. Jisoo was shocked , she tried to remove her hand out of his grip but he didn't let her win .

" Don't worry , just be yourself ! "

This made jisoo even more surprised , but she was happy that finally , first time someone else was also there after Jennie , who understood her situation.

She looked at him and then smiled at the ladies .
Although it was looking normal but this was not so easy for a person like jisoo.
She had already received a lot of taunts from others specially from her elder relatives about her nature .

Taehyung and jisoo also joined them .
" Ohh Taehyung dear ! You are so naughty huh ! " One The lady said and pinched his cheeks
" You have got so cute cheeks "

Taehyung laughed in a shy manner.
Jisoo also laughed looking at his condition.

" Ok so you all wait here , let me serve the dinner " Mrs . Park said

" Ajhumma wait ! Let me help you " jisoo said

" Oh thank you so much jisoo"

They were working in the kitchen to arrange things while Taehyung was still stuck between those aunties.

Jisoo peeped to see Taehyung from the kitchen . He was having a very hard time between them.
She could sense how awkward he was feeling with them . Some were ruffling his hair , some pinching his cheeks , some telling him old jokes which didn't make him laugh at all but definitely he has to pretend to laugh . She smiled seeing him and started working again but the smile didn't left her face ..

" He is cute right ? " Mrs Park said which made jisoo confused.

" Who ? "

" Taehyung"

" Huh ? "

" Isn't he cute ? "

" Ye- No no I mean NO , he isn't cute at all "

" Don't lie . I saw how you were smiling at him "

Jisoo didn't realised it .

" oh that ... Uhmm ...I - I was just ..."

" No problem. But I think he is a good guy "

" What ? "

Jisoo knew where this conversation was going so she tried to divert the topic .

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