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Walking towards jimin's house , Taehyung was confused why he called him urgently there ...

He rang his doorbell and it was opened by jimin , revealing his all other friends along with jisoo , holding party poppers . He flinched by the sudden surprise.
Being shocked , he entered inside only to be greeted by wonderful decoration and 'FAREWELL ' written on the wall.

" What's all this ? " Taehyung asked

" It's a farewell party for you " suga replied

He looked towards jisoo in a
'have you told them' look . She replied him with a nod while showing a soft smile.

" Taehyung, I am so sorry for breaking your promise but I thought they should also know about it afterall you are their friend"

" Yes Taehyung, why did you think that we would stop you from going when you are getting a better opportunity. We always wish for your best " jk said

" Yes Taehyungahh ! You were right that we may try to stop you from going and that is our feeling as a friend but we will never stop you from pursuing your dreams and atlast we would have allowed you to go happily " suga stated

" Don't you dare to do something like this ever again !! " Jimin said

Hearing all these sweet things and how much they love him , his eyes started becoming teary with that overwhelming feeling.
" I am -i am so sorry .  I was a stupid to think that way "
" And jisoo , no need to be sorry , you did the best thing . " Taehyung added

" Ook guys now stop with this melodrama  and enjoy the moment!! " Jennie said

Jennie went and came back with the bottles of beer.

" Jennie , what's this ? " Jisoo asked

" Oops ! Uh-uhm..unnie actually it's beer " Jennie replied

" I can also see that but why ? "
Jisoo gave her a glare

" Unieee~~a party is incomplete without this and also now we are grown up "

" But- "

" Jennie is right , we should enjoy the moment and no restrictions atleast for today . Please~~" Taehyung said
Seeing him , her heart melted .

" Ok fine! Now stop giving me that look " she said

" You will also have it right ? " Jennie asked

" Uhmm..Ok ! "

" Yess !! I knew it!  unnie can do anything for Taehyung !! " Jennie said.
Taehyung looked towards her and saw her smiling which automatically made his own lips to curl up into a beautiful boxy smile.

They all enjoyed a lot - played games , shared secrets , danced together, sang together and shared this memorable moment.

" I guess we should go now , it's already 9pm and some of my packing is still left , I have to complete that as well " Taehyung said

" Ohh , it's already 9? I wished this moment never ended but sadly it did . Ok then we will meet you guys tomorrow" jk said .

Jisoo and Taehyung came down the apartment.

He held jisoo's hand and took her with him towards the parking lot .

" Why are we here ? " Jisoo asked .

He took her towards a black car and opened the passenger seat for her .
" Get in " he said

" Huh ? Whose car is this ? " She asked

" Mine "

" Yours ? But you didn't have a car"

" It's my personal car which I had brought from USA "

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