Friendship Goes To Waste

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Chapter 29

"Achhhooo!!" erza sneezed her nose was puffy and she keep sneezing she had caught a cold. "You just had to go out in the cold to find me didnt you " gray said. "I couldn't help it I- achoo! worried about you" erza said. Gray smiled but felt bad he was the cause of this. "I'm sorry" he said. "Hey it's okay" erza said putting a hand on his cheek. "No it's not, what if something happen to you? you could of got a disease or someone could hurt you " gray said. "It's okay really I - achoo!" she stopped. "Bless you " gray said erza chuckled. He went to the kitchen and brought her soup and feed her. "I feel useless having to stay and bed and do nothing " erza said. "That's good because all you ever did was work, work, and work " gray said. "Yeah but- "but nothing you're gonna stay in bed and get some rest ill be back later " gray said. "Do you have to go just call in sick to " erza said. "Bisca already saw me t the grocery while getting your soup" gray said. Erza cursed. "I promise ill be back and ill bring you your strawberry cheese cake" gray said. Erza eyes lit up she could already taste it. Gray chuckled and bend over and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Don't you dare get up or ill kill you" gray said. Erza giggled their again was that beautiful smile he couldn't not get enough of but also treated him apart. He left her room and then left thru the door his fake smile disappeared he had to tell her no matter what it was today or tomorrow but no more he couldn't keep it up. He went to the elevator. Natsu and Lyons words repeated in his head .

"If you think canceling the meeting until next month is saving you it sure did not your gonna tell erza before this month ends " Natsu said. "You said it's my choice then why are you forcing me to do something that's not my choice" gray said. "Because I though you were smart enough to pick the right choice! but you proved me wrong and I'm not gonna let erza get hurt once more it took her so long to talk to us and be a little more open and now that's the old erza back I don't want her gone again none of us do we care for her!" Natsu said. "just let me be ill tell her I will just give me time " gray said . "You had 12 months to tell her the true and you still haven't the the year is almost up gray ! your manager should be coming back on January 9 for you aren't I right ?" Natsu said. Gray let his head fall. "We're on December the 1st you have 4 weeks and 9 days to tell her " Natsu said. "It hard " gray said. "It's better from it to come out of your mouth then her finding out herself" Natsu said. "Natsu you don't understand !" gray said. "Yes I do I - "YOU ONLY KNOW HALF OF IT !" gray said "What do you mean ?" Natsu said. Gray signed "you only know half of the lie you don't know the real reason I don't want to tell her .." Gray said. "What is it?" Natsu said. "WHAT IS IT GRAY!! JUST SAY IT!!" Natsu yelled. Gray slowly looked up and told him. Natsu eyes widen as he looked at gray. "That's .. The real . Reason" gray said. Natsu grew with anger. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ERZA !! HOW COULD YOU KEEP THIS LIE FROM HER ! SHE'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU ! YOU SAID YOU LOVE HER BUT DID YOU NOT THINK OF ERZA AND NOW YOU'RE GONNA BREAK HER HEART "

Gray?" he turned it was Lyon. "Lyon" he said."what are you doing out here ?" Lyon said "Nothing" gray said "There something troubling you huh?" Lyon said. "How do you know?" gray said. "Gray I know you since we were little your like my family and I know how you get when there's something wrong " Lyon said. " You know me so well" gray said. Lyon sat down by his side. "So what's wrong?" Lyon said. "Erza" gray said. "Did y'all have a fight or did y'all break up is something wrong?" Lyon said. "No Lyon everything perfect too perfect.." Gray said. "Then what's up?" Lyon said "Lyon remember what I said my manager sent me here for punishment until my world your starts?" gray said. Lyon nodded. "My world tour starts next month she coming for me Jan. 9 and I still haven't told erza the truth who I am..." Gray said. "Why haven't you?" Lyon said. "Because I'm scared .." Gray admitted. "Scared of what?" Lyon said. "I'm scared to lose her she's the best thing that ever happen to me I never meet anyone like her she lifts me up he not just some past the time girl she's .. The one I love" gray said. "Then tell her if she loves you enough she forgive you and it can't be that bad it was just a lie but not a big big one" Lyon said. "Yes it is Lyon and that's not even half " gray said. "What's the other part of it" Lyon said. Gray looked down and he told Lyon. Lyon eyes widen he saw gray painful expression. His eyes soften. "Gray that's really serious .. Why would you date erza knowing you .. " Lyon stopped. "I don't know I didn't want to but without even knowing I fell in love" gray said. Lyon closed his eyes. "The past me would have told you it's okay to Continue with this lie because that's how I was.. But not no more gray you have to do what's right I know it's gonna hurt but you can't keep hurting her like this" Lyon said. "I know but I'm just so selfish I can't do it I love her too much to let her go" gray said. "If you truly love her you wouldn't do it even though what happens if this is what life has in store for you then you have to live it with it" Lyon said. "But I don't want to live in a world without Her" gray said. Lyon signed. "Is this what you really want for her ?" Lyon said. "No" Gray said and shook his head.
"then the best I can tell you is listen to your heart it knows what to do"

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