We were the perfect match

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Chapter 70

Gray had got out of practice. He was exhausted his guitar was on his back hanging. He had called his ride but they weren't answering. "Ugh I'll just call a cab" gray said dialing a cab. But they didn't answer as well "gosh! I guess the subway it is!" Gray said. He put his hood on to not be noticed. He walked to the stairs looking for a map to see where the nearest train would stop at. He looked around not a lot of people "I guess it would be okay to take off my hood" gray said taking it off. He then heard people singing and doing all kinds of stuff just to get a few dollars. Gray walked to this one girl that was playing the violin. The softly but yet strongest melody coming out of the strings. Her eyes widen as she saw him "GRA- he place a finger on his lips asking her to be quite. She shut her mouth. He smiled at her and place a hundred dollar bill in her bucket. "Keep up the good work kiddo" he said and walked off waiting for his subway. As he waiting he started thinking about the invitation and everything that was said last week her wedding was close and each day that past gray grew more anxious knowing he'd be losing her for sure. "Gray?" His eyes widen as he turned it was Erza "fuck" he though he quickly tried walking away. "Stop avoiding me!" Erza said as she grabbed him. "What do you want Erza?" Gray said "I want to know why did you turn down my invitation? Why do you not answer my calls? Why do you keep avoiding me!" Erza said. "Why do you think? Do you really expect me to go to your wedding put yourself in my shoes! Seeing someone you love marrying someone else? Would you actually want to attend a wedding? Trust me it's better if I don't go" Gray said. "If I know it would mean so much to a friend I souls go no matter what.." Erza said. "Well I can't go and I'm not going Erza.." gray said. Gray was just to disturbed he didn't even bother waiting for the train he just left instead "Gray!" Erza called him but he didn't stop walking. Erza signed and lowered her head.

Erza got to her apartment she set her things down on the counter. She looked out the windows it was dark outside the city lights shining. She signed. "When did everything turn out like this.. Why can't we go back like how we were?" Erza said. That's when she heard banging on her door. She opened it. It was the old woman from two doors down. "Annie?" Erza said "Erza dear I don't feel so good I- that's when she collapsed on the floor "ANNIE!!" Erza yelled. She shook her she didn't wake up she pressed her ear near her chest she could still hear her heart beat "HELP SOMEONE HELP CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" Erza screamed to scared to get up incase something happened to Annie. The neighbors all came out and called the an ambulance. Erza was in the hospital with Annie. Turns out Annie didn't have anymore family. So Erza was there Erza had to all someone and the only person she could think of was Gray.

Gray was in his room he felt so horrible for what he had said to Erza. He signed that's when his phone rang. He picked it up it was Erza. He answered "hello?" Gray said "Gray its Erza.. Annie she's really sick.." Erza said her voice sounded like she was close to crying. "Wait what's going on where are y'all?" Gray said "I'm at the southern hospital, please come gray she's really ill" Erza said "I'm on my way" gray said hanging up. He had arrived a few minutes later. He saw Erza sitting on the chair her head hung low. "Erza!" Gets called running to her. She turned. She got up. "Where's Annie?" He asked. "In there" Erza said pointing in the room. "What happened?" Gray said. "I don't know she came knocking at my door and collapsed the doctors are checking right now what's going on" Erza said. "Ughh that's terrible" gray said. "I know" Erza said. They them waited for an hour until the doctor finally came out. Immediately they got on there feet. "Doctor how is she?" Erza asked. The doctor looked down fixing his glasses "well we ran lots of test and turns out.. Her hearts in a severe state" the doctor said. "What do you mean?" Gray said. "Her heart is not working properly we tried to do some things but it failed.. Her heart will only work for a few more hours and then it'll stop.." The doctors said. Gray and Erza eyes widen. "No.." Erza said and began to cry. "I'm sorry there's nothing else we can do y'all are welcome to go in and see her one last time" the doctor said and walked off. Erza and gray opened the door. She was sitting up a bit looking at tv and she turned slowly to them weakly smiling. "Erza and Gray my boy.. I'm so happy to see y'all" she said. "Hey Annie how have you been.." Gray asked as he hugged her soflty. "Your old woman is doing fine" she said. "I'm glad to hear that" Erza said sitting in the Chair in front of her. "I knew this was going to happens my old heart has lived its course" she said "don't say that I know you- "no dear it's okay I know I won't make it" she said. Gray and Erza looked down "but it's okay I'm happy I got to live my life for quite a long time" she said. "Tell us Annie do you have any mistakes or regrets you have?" Gray said. "I don't think anything I ever did was a mistake but I do have one big regret.." She said "tell us." Erza said. "I regret not being able to love John for more time.." She said. "John? Who's John?" Gray said. "That's right i never did tell y'all about John.." She said and smiled "John was my bestfriend, my lover and my husband.. My everything" she said. "How did y'all meet?" Erza said. "John was a famous painter and I loved art I always attended art shows and one day I bumped into him not knowing he was a famous artist" Annie said.

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