~ordinary life (part 1)~

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+Monday morning, 10 minutes before lessons start+

Nobody's pov:

*a low chuckle came from behind Michael*

"Huh?" Michael turned around looking for the source of the sound his eyes fixating on a large frame. Malcom.

"Hey loser~" malcom said in a mocking manner walking up to Michael

"Fuck off you prick." Mike snapped back at malcom crossing his arms looking up into noahs face.

"Awe cmon~ am just here for a bit of fun~" malcom practically laughed as he rolled his eyes*

"Yeah right" *Mike scoffed and turned his head away*

*malcom watched as Mike stepped away from him*

"Already scared? Hah!" *he laughed grinning ear to ear*

*Mike glared at malcom for a moment* "I am not scared!" *anger slowly creeped into his voice*

"Haha!" malcom laughed hard making Mike more annoyed

"Ugh! I don't have time for this!" he hissed as he began getting his bag to leave

"Awe~ is the poor baby to weak to fight back?~" malcom mocked him a sparkle in his eyes as he got Mike more annoyed just the reaction he wanted

"Am not weak you prick!?" he snapped back his hands going into firsts

"Oh yeah?" he grinned from ear to ear his hand on his hip as he looked at Michael

"Yea! I can prove it to you!" Mike yelled out slamming his locker shut

"Oh really?~ bet! Let's have a fight and see who's actually stronger~" malcom stuck his hand out for Mike to shake

"Bet!" Mike shook his hand

"Okay~ if that's what you really want." Malcom smirked

"yo Lucas hold him back. I don't need him to waste his energy fighting~"

and with that Lucas, Malcolm's best friend, grabbed mikes arms forcing them behind Mike leaving his full body exposed for malcom to hit wherever he wished

"Hey!? This isn't fair!!" Mike tried his luck to free his arms unfortunately no matter what he tried nothing worked and he was still stuck


Malcom would have smacked Mike across the face

"Ow!?" mike winced not expecting the sudden hit

Malcom laughed as he punched Mike straight in the stomach knocking the wind out of him

Mike would gasp for air chocking slightly

"Hah!" he laughed giving another blow to mikes stomach

tears welled up in mikes eyes as he coughed

Malcom would punch Mike in the face something that would most likely leave a black eye

+after a few minutes of malcom beating Mike up a teacher had walked round the corner seeing what malcom was doing+

Nobody's pov:

"Boys!?" the teacher yelled toward the three of them

"Crap.." Malcom muttered as Lucas let go of Mike letting him fall to the floor*

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