~not so ordinary now?~

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+at school+

Michael's pov:

I was doing some homework in my notebook as I realized something

I haven't seen malcom all day yet. He usually comes up to me or walks past me to say some shit as he snickers and leaves but that's odd I haven't seen or heard him yet

Maybe he was off sick? Oh well. It's good if he's off sick it means I have less to deal with. Though it feels off still.

I placed my notebook into my bag swinging my bag across one shoulder as I left the area I was in

I heard noises in one of the corridors and it go my attention so I began walking towards its. It was a fight nothing much.

I looked closer at who was fighting. Malcom? Why is he fighting? Who is he even fighting?

I squeezed past the crowd slowly making my way into the front of the crowd.

I saw malcom then I looked opposite him and saw. Simon? What the fuck is Simon thinking!? He's not strong enough to fight noah back!

Oh well. It's not my job to get involved in people's fights though I am curious what caused it.

Malcolm's pov:

I saw Michael looking at me in confusion then shock as am guessing he saw Simon his face bloodied and bruised.

It didn't matter at the moment I was going to talk to Mike after anyway. I just need to finish Simon off quickly.

+before the fight+

Malcolm's pov:

I was minding my own business as usual scrolling on my phone as my friend talked nonsense with each other honestly I wasn't paying any attention to what they said I just nodded here and there.

I heard Simon talking with surprised me knowing that Mike and his friends avoided us like a plague but it really wasn't my business so I tried focus on my phone but I couldn't help over hearing his conversation.

He was talking about mike. Sure were enemies and all that but so what? I began recording on my phone his conversation with someone else am not sure who it was as I don't think they were in any of my classes but maybe Simons.

Either way their conversation was odd it was about Mike and how he looked?
Something was off. I knew Simon and Mike were friends and all but the way he was talking about Mike made it sound weird. As if he was talking about him in a way that meant they are more than just friends it's not that they can't but he wouldn't keep it a secret if they were that close to each other right?

After a minute or two Simons voice got quieter I knew he was still talking about Mike but I couldn't hear it any more hopefully my phone did.

He walked off not even a minute after so I decided to put my headphones in I know not the best choice right in front of my friends but I was curious what he said.

I listened to the beginning remembering hearing all of it until it finally got to the part I didn't and luckily my phone caught what he said.

Not even a second later my face was one of shock Simon was talking about mikes body. But why? Did he like Mike? Either way I should probably confront him about it.

I walked over to where Simon stood grabbing at the collar of his shirt dragging him closer.

"Dude what the fuck is wrong with you!?"

I screamed at him. Maybe a little louder than I wanted but it's fine

"What are you on about red head."

he glared at me annoyed but instead of replying I just slammed his head hard into the wall behind him.

"Dude the fuck is up with you!? I didn't do shit to you!?"

+later during last period+

Malcolm's pov:

I kept thinking about the fight I had with Simon. I broke his phone. Am not even sure why I just got a bad feeling about him and I felt like he had more hidden so I broke his phone.

Michaels pov:

I saw Malcolm's annoyed expression as he glared at Simon. I still didn't understand why had happened.

My guess is that Simon just pissed him off as noah wouldn't get into a fight over nothing but am not sure what he could have done to cause that. Like I know he doesn't like us but cmon man there's no way he did it because he doesn't like him.

Overall I also realized malcom was more how do I put this, tolerant I suppose? He left me alone all day he tried talking to me but I lost him and he didn't try to get me after so am guessing he either forgot or it wasn't important? Oh well.

+at the afton house+

Michaels pov:

Huh. It was awfully quiet when I got into the house thats when I noticed a piece of paper stuck to the fridge.

I took my shoes off placing them near the door along with my bag as I went into the kitchen.

I picked up the paper and it red "hey Michael I took your siblings and mother to the shops in town. You can make yourself some food if you want there isn't any left overs but there's £20 so you can buy yourself something to eat or dont. We should be back at around 11pm make sure the house is clean and no inviting people."

I rolled my eyes as I finished reading scrunching it up and throwing it out.

I grab the money left for me as I go to my room placing the money in a box under my bed.

I've been saving up to move out so I guess this money is one step closer to leaving this shit hole and everyone in it but for now we still have to wait longer.

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