~prom (part 2)~

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+the night before prom+
⚠️cross-dressing mike⚠️

Michael's pov:

Malcom told me to wait in his room as he got something for us. I'm sat on his bed right now, bored out my mind as he is fussing around in his closet until he finally whips his head around smiling.

"Close your eyes, hun." I'd look at him slightly confused but close my eyes as I hear some shuffling and then his foot steps towards me.

He would stand right in front of me I suppose holding clothes as I hear the fabric settling.

"Okay you can okey your eyes now." I'd open my eyes to see a suit and dress both in black and red as my eyes widen in surprise.

(That's how the outfits look! However the dress is flat on the chest ⚠️not mine⚠️)

(That's how the outfits look! However the dress is flat on the chest ⚠️not mine⚠️)

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Michael's pov:

"W-Wait! Those are for us!?" I'd ask in surprise my eyes shining up at malcom as he smiled widely and nodded happily.

I jumped up and pulled him into a tight hug as I heard him chuckling quietly to himself.

+prom night+

Michaels POV:

I look at myself in the mirror wearing the dress malcom made for me as it fit me prefectly making me smile widely.

I'm currently home alone so it's not like #### will see me in a dress. She would be pissed off if she saw me in a dress.

As I stood admiring the dress I heard a knock on the door guessing it was malcom I jumped slightly and hurried down the stairs.

I went and opened the door to see malcom stood there waiting with flowers in his hand, red roses, my favorite.

He smiled and held my hand bowing and kissing it making me flustered and blush.

"You look stunning." He smiled his voice soft making me fall for him even more than before.

"Ready, mi amor?" He looked up at me still holding my hand and the Boquet of roses.

I nodded excitedly as he led me to his car opening the door for me and helping me get in and making sure the dress didn't get caught in the door.

I watched as he went around and got into the drivers seat placing the flowers  in my hands gently.

I look at the flowers as he starts the car and begins driving towards where we have prom. I notice all the thorns are cut off and leaves, even if the gesture was small it made me get butterflies in my stomach.

+once they got to the prom hall+

Malcoms POV:

I get out my car and walk around opening mikes door and holding his hand as he stepped out leaving the flower on the seat as I pulled him in and hugged his waist kissing his cheek.

I'd close the car door, locking it. We would then make it into the building linking arms together.

Many people have already arrived as me and Michael made our way to our friends. I put one arm around mikes waist and hold him close as he talks to his friends, mark and Fredrick.

+at some point during prom+
(Btw their prom last from 7pm to midnight!)

Michaels POV:

Mark, Fredrick and I snuck off not long ago and found some alchohol and we downed like maybe 3 bottles? I'm not sure. Oh well..

I made my way to malcom my balance absolutely off. I gently bumped into malcoms back catching him off guard as he jumped slightly before turning around.

"Oh! Mike? Are you okay hun?" He pulled me closer by my waist making me giggle and hug him looking up at him with a dumb smile.

He sighed and kissed my lips softly, I kissed him back but he probably tasted the alcohol on my lips as he glanced down at me slightly concerned.

"Hunny? Where did you find alcohol?" He slightly tilted his head as he talked and lifted my head up with one finger making me blush.

"Uhh.. Mark gave me it.." I muttered my speech slightly slurred as I learned my head against his chest hearing him sigh and chuckle quietly.

"Cmon hun. Let's get you home and to sleep." He kissed the top of my head gently then took his blazer off and wrapped it around my shoulders.

"Nooo... I wanna stay.." I pouted quietly and whined but he shook his head and held my hand.

"I'm sorry hun but you're drunk and I don't want you to feel worse than now when you wake up." He pulled me closer by the waist and lifted me up easily making me shriek quietly.

He chuckled quietly as I clung on to him tightly my head burried in his shoulder as my legs wrap around his waist.

Once we got to the car he moved the flowers out the way and placed me down onto my seat putting the seat belt on me and placing the flowers in the back then closing my door and getting into his seat.

His seat belt clicks into place as he starts the car on hand on my thigh running his fingers up and down.

I blush and look away hearing him chuckle at my response and pull his hand away resting it on the gear stick.

Nobody's POV:

Malcom and mike start driving back to malcoms house as mike starts slowly falling asleep trying his best to stay awake.

Malcom keeps driving his hand slowly Cearesing mikes hand sending shivers through mikes body and making him all hot inside.

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