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+next day at school+

Michaels pov:

I was at my locker waiting for malcom to come as I saw Simon walking over to me.

"Morning Simon-" I looked at him as he came closer. Smiling slightly.

"Morning mike." He pulled me closer by my waist smirking.

I saw malcom coming around the corner as Simon grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him.

"Cmon baby. You wanna come round mine tonight?~" he said getting closer to my face.

I tried to push him off getting uncomfortable every second. "Am sorry but I've actually got plans for tonight.."

"Awe cmon~ I'll make you feel good and we can have so much fun~" he would tighten his grip around me and I saw Malcolm's expression change to that or fury as he walked up behind Simon putting his hand on Simons shoulder putting so much pressure his knuckles turned white.

"Hands off what's not yours Simon." Malcom was much taller than us making him look a lot more intimidating as Simon let go off me stepping back am guess so he doesn't get into another fight.

"Malcom, leave him it was probably a joke.." I was uncomfortable but I tried to stop Malcom.

Malcolm's pov:

I saw Michael was uncomfortable. "No Mike your clearly uncomfortable and am not letting this prick do that." I Pat mikes head before turning to Simon and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.

"Hey hey.. We can talk this out right?.." Simon looks at me then at me and back at mike again trying to back away.

I don't answer I just throw a right hook to his jaw making his head turn to the other side.

He yells in pain as I grab his hair slamming his head against the lockers multiple times until I saw blood that's when I finally let go of him and he fell to the floor a gash on his forehead leaking blood.

Michaels pov:

I watched as malcom kept smashing simons head into the lockers I was going to do something about it but I knew if I stopped malcom Simon would come back and do it again.

"Malcom, could we go now..?" I mutter quietly as I see noah looking at me his expression turning soft again as he walks over to me pulling me into a hug.

He swooped me into his arms carrying me bridal style my eyes widened. I heard him chuckle as he left Simon bleeding out on the floor.

(Sorry that it's so short 😭 I had no motivation for this chapter-)

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