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+once William got back with evan and Elizabeth+

Williams pov:

I walked into the house helping Elizabeth take her coat off as she ran to her room giggling as evan followed not long after.

I eased my coat hanging it up on the pegs and taking my shoes off. I looked over to the living room where I saw my wife sitting on the couch with a grin across her face giving me an uneasy feeling.

I shock my head slowly making my way upstairs as I walked past michasls bedroom I noticed his door was creaked open which was unusual as Mike always kept his door shut if not locked.

I knocked softly on the door waiting for a few minutes as I heard nothing. I didn't hear him move so I grabbed the door handle about to shut his door for him thinking he was asleep but I got a weird feeling that something happened that my wife was involved in so I slowly pushed the door open.

I looked inside at mikes body which was laying half off and half on the bed my eyes widened as I saw bandages on him which were by now drenched in blood meaning whatever had happened it must of happened when I was out.

I run up to Mike who seems to be passed out maybe asleep I lifted him up into my arms going into Elizabeths room.

"Elizabeth" I half muttered looking at her as she put her toys down she was about to play tea party.

"Yes, daddy???" She looked at me with innocent eyes then looking at Mike who was in my arms then back at me with a confused face.

"Can you put on some comfortable clothes on quickly as I talk with evan and come out your room?" I looked at her as she smiled and ran up to her closet picking out some clothes as I made my way to evans room.

I knocked on the door gently as he opened the door looking up at me in confusion.

"We need to go somewhere like right now so go put your shoes on." He looked at me now even more confused.

"But we just went somewhere?" I glared at him making him shut up and go down stairs where I saw him putting his shoes on.

Just as i was going to get Elizabeth I saw her leaving her room and joining evan as they both put on their shoes and jackets.

I went into Michaels room and grabbed some hoodie he had laying around and went down stairs placing my shoes on and grabbing my jacket.

We went outside packing into the car as I placed Michael besides me in the passenger seat and putting his seat belt around him and placing the hoodie on his legs as I got into the drivers seat starting up the car.

+once they arrived at the hospital+

Williams pov:

Once we arrived Michael was still asleep and I went inside with Michael in my arms I told evan to stay with Elizabeth in the car and I'll get them when Elizabeth woke up and Michael was being taken care off.

I walked up to a nurse at the front office. "Um excuse me miss?" I held Michael close as the nurse turned and looked at me.

"Yes, sir?" She looked at me then at Michael seeing the bandages on Michael.

"Sit in the waiting room and someone will call you over shortly." she began typing on a computer as I went and sat with other parents and their kids of all ages.

I kept Michael on my laps his skin a ghostly white which I only now saw a mother sat besides us with her screaming 10 year old who was throwing a tantrum.

"So why are you here?" She looked at me with tiredness in her eyes, dark eye bags under her eyes.

I looked at her. "I found my son like this when I came from my um. Co workers house." I looked at Mike then back at her.

She nodded slightly as she grabbed a tablet and gave it to the raging 10 year old which made him stop a significant lot as face still had wet tears on them but he wasn't yelling his lungs out.

She sighed as a doctor came in calling for me and Mike so I got up lifting Mike into my arms again as I made my way into his office trying not to step on anything or anyone's kid who was sat on the floor.

+after the first meeting where Mike was placed in his own hospital room and William brought evan and Elizabeth+

Michaels pov:

I woke up some time ago to William leaving me in a hospital room with a nurse who was stitching up my hand and another one stitching up my leg.

I looked at them feeling drowsy from the pain medicine as I looked back between them both. Lifting my unoccupied arm and rubbing my eyes.

"Oh hello dear" one of the nurses looked up at me as she finished stitching my hand. I looked at her with a weak smile not being able to form words from the dizzyness.

"The medicine should wear off soon dear don't worry" she smiled softly as she gathered up all her stuff the other nurse followed suit a second after as they both smiled and left the room just as William walked in with both evan and Elizabeth.

They ran up to me jumping onto the bed and looked at the stitches on my arm and leg. "They look cool!!" Elizabeth didn't quite understand what they are but I looked at her and smiled as I felt better now they the medicine was wearing off.

"Let your brother rest you two." William sat in an arm chair besides the bed as he looked over at me.

"We're gonna have a chat about this when we get home understood?" He looked at me as I nodded slowly and laying down in the bed.

"Good, now go sleep and we will go home later since I need the results back" William sighed as I closed my eyes feeling evan and Elizabeth laying down besides me and drifting off into sleep like me.

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