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+at the meeting place for malcom and mike and his friends+

Malcom pov:

I saw that when we met up Mike had bandages around his hands I thought that was weird but I tried to shrug it off.

The overall hang out was quite nice in fact we all got to buy something here and there we went to get food and I saw Mike didn't get much but he told me that he just had a headache so he didn't feel like eating much and I understood as were not in the quietest of places.

Over some time I also noticed a small bandage on his forehead I was hoping nothing happened however his hair had a faint wine sent to it.

Once it was time to go back Mike offered to walk home with me so I had someone to talk to but once we were far from any one I stopped him.

"Hey Mike um.. I don't know how to put this but I noticed the bandage on your forehead and around your palms are you.. Okay..?" I held his shoulders and looked at him.

He took a while to respond but I could see something was wrong he looked a bit shaken now. ".. It's nothing.."

He looked away from me I took one of his hands and looked at the bandages. It looked like he got hurt..

"You sure? You know we can go to my house and talk about it I should be home alone so no one will hear.." I looked at him waiting for an answer but all I got was a small nod.

I accepted his answer and started walking home with him next to me we went back to talking about other stuff like interests and everything and we had some things quite in common.

We slowly made our way to my house and I took my keys out my pocket and unlocked the front door I glanced behind me to make sure he's there before opening the door.

"You first Mike" I smiled softly as he walked inside and I followed behind closing the door once we got in.

We took our shoes off and headed for my bedroom. "You can sit on my bed" I shut my door locking it for privacy as I heard Mike climbing into my bed and sitting comfortably.

I went to him sitting besides him and putting my arm around his shoulders. "So you said we could talk about what had happened to you today.." I spoke softly so he knew I wasn't going to force him but I don't think he thought that anyway.

Michael's pov:

I wanted to start talking as I felt tears slowly appearing in my eyes knowing I would end up crying on him or something.

"Well.. It happened this morning.. My step mum was drunk and I went to get a drink.." I started talking taking small brakes so that I didn't burst out crying.

"So how does your hair smell like wine?" Malcom asked as he looked at me I wasn't looking at him but I knew he was asking it in a way that made me comfortable. I don't know how to explain it I just felt comfortable in the he said it maybe it's the tone of his voice?

"She wanted more wine but I told her she couldn't have any.. And she gets aggressive when she's fully drunk but I didn't know how drunk she was this morning.." I kept talking my voice shaky as tears began rolling down my face. I saw Malcom place his hand on one of mine and squeeze it gently.

"Take your time Mike. Am not gonna rush you" he kept his hand on mine occasionally rubbing his thumb against the top of my hand which surprisingly calmed me down a lot more than I expected.

"After I told her that she grabbed me and um.. She smashed the bottle over my head.." I guess malcom was shocked as he stopped completely moving.

"Mike are you alright!? Did you clean up any wounds!?.." He seemed extremely worried as he pulled me onto his laps examining my head where I had pointed to where the bottle was smashed.

"Phew.." He sighed in relief as he saw I wasn't bleeding but now he kept me on his laps keeping one arm around me and the other resting on my thigh.

"It's not the worst part.. She shoved me down into the glass after so I guess that tells you why I had bandages on my palms.. " malcom was shocked as I told him that but he didn't yell he just pulled me closer and hugged me I felt different it's not that it's my first time being hugged but this time if felt different.

He kept hugging me and slowly I hugged him back and tears began falling down my face. "You can cry on my shoulder Mikey.." His voice was gentle and it made me start sobbing burying my face in his shoulder as he held me close.

"There you go.. Let it all out.." He kept me close one of his hands slowly rubbing my back as I continued to sob. It felt so nice to do this it felt like I was important and he cared about me. My sobs just got harder and louder as he rested his head on me.

It took maybe 15 minutes before I finally calmed down and even when I did he didn't ask me to continue he just kept rubbing his hand across my back in a comforting way.

"Better..?" He looked at me and I nodded slowly as I rubbed my eyes sniffing slightly.

"Good.." He kept me around his arms and sat on his laps as we sat there for a few more minutes in comfortable silence until I felt my eyes shutting and the world around me drifting off as I fell asleep.

Malcolm's pov:

I saw as Mike fell asleep and I smiled knowing he let his emotions out so he must of been exhausted from crying so much. I layed him down on my bed pulling my coveres up over him up to his shoulders as I sat besides him.

After a while I felt him move around a bit but settle down again once he had his arms around me cuddling me and I chuckled quietly seeing him cuddle me in his sleep.

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