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+malcoms bedroom+

Malcoms POV:

I'd sit in my bed with mike laying besides me and his head resting on my chest as I keep one arm wrapped around him and scrolling through my phone with the other.

There would be some shifting sounds as I turn my head to look at mike and see him digging his face into my side making me chuckle quietly. "Awake already, darling?"

Michael would pout it being muffled by my side as he rubbed his eyes and sat up. As I looked at him I couldn't stop thinking about how adorable he looks with his chubby cheeks and messy hair.

"My head hurts.." Michael would whine as he climb up onto my laps and faced me dropping his head down onto my shoulder as I softly rub his back.

"I'll get you some water and pain killers. You sit here like a good boy." I'd kiss his forehead gently and gently lift him and put him on to the bed wrapping the blanket around him before getting up.

Michaels POV:

I watch as malcom leaves the room leaving me alone here wrapped in his blanket.

I whine quietly and lay down covering my face as I wait for malcom to return. Which happens after like 5 minutes where I hear the door opening and malcoms footsteps all the way to his bed.

"Cmon sweetie, uncover that gorgeous face of yours I've got the medicine and water for you." I pull the cover down off my face and glance up at him for a bit before finally deciding to sit up.

"Here you go, gorgeous" he smiled and passed me the water and medicine which I swallowed quickly.

"Bleh.." I Mummbled as malcom chuckled and sat besides me and pulled me onto his lap and held my face kissing it gentle multiple times.

"You need to rest up." He held my face with both his hand slowly rubbing my cheeks as I melted into his touch.

"Okay.." I muttered as I leaned in to his touch.

He then put me back on to the bed in a laying position then he himself laid down and pull me closer holding one of my legs over his body and his arm on my waist.

We both laid there in comfortable silence as I cuddled up to him and dug my face into his side and as he held me close and began reading one of his newer books.

After probably no longer than 5 minutes my eyes started closing so I muttered something close to "goodnight" and fell asleep feeling malcom kiss my forehead and chuckle quietly.

Malcoms POV:

I hear mike mutter "goodnight" so I kiss his forehead and pull him onto my chest using my arms to hold him close while my hands hold the book and mikes face digs into my shoulder.

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