~malcom's house~

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+once they arrived at malcom'shouse+
⚠️smut/there will be a warning⚠️

Malcolm's POV:

We got to my room not long after we left the school. We're most definitely going to get into trouble but it was last lesson anyway and there would be no point in returning to class. Plus Mike is still recovering.

I'm hoping my parents don't come home until late as I don't feel like having to explain why we left and they usually work till late so I might get away from it since I don't think the teachers even noticed.

Luckily me and Mike always grab our stuff when we go out for fire alarm practice or whenever we do stuff like that. Usually it is to leave school once everyone is gone.

I'm waiting as Michael is having a bath at the moment I left him some of my clothes and I'm just sitting on my bed waiting.

He comes out 20 minutes later wearing my sweat pants and a hoodie that is oversized for him but suits him perfectly as he sits beside me on the bed.

"Comfortable?" I look at him and hold his hand and he yawns.

"Mhm.." He rubs his eyes and lays down besides me resting his head on my chest his arm wrapping around me. I smile softly as his eyes slowly close and he falls asleep peacefully.

I plant a kiss on his head as I pull the cover over our bodies and bring him closer wrapping my arms around his waist and closing my eyes.

+after a few hours+

Michaels POV:

I wake up after what felt like the best sleep of my life and rub the sleepyness from my eyes.

I look around and see malcom still sleeping peacefully with his arms around me. I smile and kiss his cheek and I could see him slightly smiling. It makes my cheeks go warm and slightly red.

I move closer to him and hug him while he continues to sleep.

Suddenly I hear him yawning and stretching. "Mm... Morning mikey." He looks down at me and kisses my head once again as I smile.

⚠️smut staring here⚠️

"Morning, malcom" I sit up as he follows along pulling me onto his laps and kissing my face a few times.

"Slept well?" I go red as he chuckles and kisses my lips this time. I kiss him back as he holds my face and deepens the kiss his other hand slowly tracing down my body until it reaches my waist where he keeps it.

I blush harder as we make out for a while his hand rubbing my waist. He suddenly flips us while still kissing me and pins me to the bed.

He pulls away from the kiss leaving me panting as I ran out of breath and blushing probably a lot. "Did you enjoy that?~" he looks down at me and smirks.

"Yeah.." I half mutter as he moves his head closer to my neck. "That's good.~"
He moves his lips against my neck gently kissing at it as he put both his hands on my waist now pinning me down.

I moan quietly which only makes him smirk and continue but now leaving small marks all over my neck. "Mm..~ noah..~" he looks up at me and waits for me to continue talking. "What if we get caught?" I see him smile softly and hold my hand to reassure me. "My parents are at work for another few hours tonight so don't worry." I smile slightly and let him continue as he starts moving the kisses to my collar bone.

"Mm..~" he moves his hands under my shirt slowly pulling it up and off my body as he continues kissing my collar bone. After a few more kisses he moves lower to my waist leaving a few bigger marks.

Malcom would pull away from my body and sit up. "How about some fun ey?~"
I blush hard but I can't just say no to that I did want this for a while myself anyway.

He smiles and kisses my head as he gets off the bed and opens a drawer, taking out a bottle of lube as he comes back to me. He places the bottle on the night stand and begins undressing to which I do the same still blushing hard.

He gets back on the bed and pulls me closer. "I'll be gentle yeah?" He looks at me. "Yes please" he smiles and takes the bottle pouring some on his hand and rubbing it onto his dick groaning quietly. I blush slightly at the sound of him groaning. He pours a bit more on his hand and rubs it onto my ass.

"That's cold.." I muttered and looks up at him. "I'm sorry, honey" he kissed my cheek and put the bottle away. He then lifted my legs up over his shoulders and aligned himself with my entrance.

"Are you ready, honey?" He looked at me again and I nodded slightly after that he slowly pushed himself in making me moan out loud. He stayed like that for a moment until I let him continue.

He held my thighs as he kept thrusting into me quite fast and hard but not to much since it was my first time. He continued and looks at me, he was already slightly sweating. "You want me to pull out and cum or in?" He kept thrusting in and out faster and harder now making me moan more. "In.~" I half muttered unable to speak right from him fucking me as I gripped the bed. "Alright, honey.~" he kept thrusting going much faster and harder.

After a while of him doing that I'd feel him release inside me and groan loudly as he slowly stopped thrusting and had beads of sweat on his forehead. He looked at me as he panted slightly. I was blushing and breathing slightly heavy as well as he slowly pulled out making me moan one last time.

⚠️end of smut >.<⚠️

"You want to go shower or sleep?" He looked at me as I thought over the choices. "Bath." I half muttered slightly tired as he smiled and got off the bed lifting me into his arms and going to the bathroom.

+after their bath+

Michael's POV:

Malcom put left me on his bed my legs felt weaker than normal so he said I shouldn't walk around and let them heal and he is making me a hot chocolate with some food at the moment in the kitchen.

I sat there for a while until he came upstairs carrying a plate of pancakes with chocolate and raspberries on it and a glass of hot chocolate.

I smiled at him and took the cup into my hands as he placed the plate on the bed besides me and sat behind me his arms wrapping around my waist and his head on my shoulder.

(Don't judge the smut part 😭 I've never properly written smut in my life)

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