~catching feelings~

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+few hours later at Malcolm's house+

Michael's pov:

I woke up to Malcom sleeping quietly besides me. I sit up rubbing my eyes which are slightly sore from crying earlier. I glance at him again and before slipping out of bed.

I check the time on my phone. It reads "11:34" its late. Almost midnight and I should technically be home already I should've been home at 5pm.

+next day at school+

Malcolm's pov:

I came to school slightly earlier than usual to meet up with Mike I was thinking about yesterday and how cute he looked when we were cuddling last night.

My mind woundered as I finally reached him and hugged him from behind. "Boo."

He jumped in surprise but turned around and hugged me back smiling. I smiled back holding him close. I look down at him a faint blush forming on my cheeks.

I kiss Michael's head without thinking much until I see him look up at me blushing hard.

"Malcom? What was that-" Michael kept blushing and I couldn't focus looking directly into mikes beautiful blue and brown eyes. Fuck he looked so adorable when he blushed.

"Malcom? Hello?? You there?" I snapped back when I heard mike calling my name again he tilted his head in confusion.

"Sorry! I was spacing out mikey." I apologize and Pat his head gently.

"Oh! It's alr don't worry malcom" he smiled before asking me again "so um.. Why did you kiss my head?" He blushed slightly as he looked at me waiting for an answer.

"I- um. I have no idea. You just looked so cute hugging me and I just did it-" I felt my cheeks get hot looking away.

Michael giggled quietly before smiling. "Oh okay, I don't mind anyway!" He blushed slightly as well

He looked so cute when he was blushing and it made me want to just kiss all over his face like who couldn't love his cute face?

Michaels pov:

I saw how much malcom was blushing it felt nice knowing he liked me but I was shocked as well that I was staring to like him as well I kept getting butterflies in my stomach when he blushed.

"Oh! Malcom I have something to ask you!" I look at malcom whos attention turns to me again and he has a curious look on his face

"Yes mikey?" He looks down at me his hands on my waist making me blush

"Can I come over to yours today??? I wanna meet your parents!" I smile looking at him eagerly waiting for his answer.

He smiles kissing my head again. "Sure I don't mind my mum will love you!" He smiles seeing how eager I am.

"Thank you!!" I smile widely hugging him tightly blushing slightly at how hyper am acting compared to usual.

+at Malcolm's house+

Malcolm's pov:

Me and Mike went to my house so Mike could introduce himself to my parents he seemed so happy to meet them and my parents loved him.

After a while my sister dragged him off to play dress up my sister is 10 and for some reason a fashion designer she's not bad at fashion but she drags off anyone unsuspecting to play.

"Brother come here!!" I hear her calling me my sister Natalie or nat for short. I get up from my bed and go to her room wondering what torture she put mike through.

I walked into the room glancing at nat then at Mike who was wearing one of the cutest outfits I've ever seen it was this white oversized shirt white and a black skirt that goes down to his knees.
He looked so fucking cute in it my cheeks immediately going red.

"Malcom!!" Mike looked panicked which confused me until he ran over taking a tissue out and holding it up to my nose.
I literally just got a nose bleed cuz of fucking cute he is.

"Be careful malcom...." He sounded worried so I chuckled a bit taking the tissue from him cleaning the blood up off my nose. "I will be don't worry mikey."

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