~ordinary life (part 2)~

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+in Michael's bedroom+

Michael's pov:

I was sat in my room cleaning myself up after getting beat up by noah

the thought of how unfair the fight was made my blood boil of course I wouldn't be able to fight him off if I was being held back!

Just as I was ranting on and on about noah in my mind as I heard my door push open causing me to turn my head towards it

my father walked into the room he had an annoyed expression on his face this wasn't good

"Your mother told me what happened at school." He spoke sternly as he walked over to me

"Step mother." I corrected him. My mother is rose not that woman who seems to leach onto my father.

"That's not the point. She told me you got into a fight at school." he rolled his eyes looking down at me

"What-! I wasn't fighting! He was hitting me!" I yelled back annoyed at the assumption that I could even hit him since he left with no marks


God dammit. I got smacked for the third time now. First noah then obviously my step mother and now William.

"You better not raise your voice at me young man!" he started yelling as well

"Well it's not my fault! I wasn't fighting! Even the teachers said I wasn't!" I yelled back this was most likely gonna end me up more hurt than before

it's not like it's uncommon for this to happen but it's not like I want to do this

"Raise your voice at me again and I'll make sure it's more than just a slap!" William grabbed at his belt to take it off as it was normal to hit your kids back in the 1900's even if not everyone did it

"But that's unfair!" I yelled out once more it's so annoying he never tries to talk things out he always turns to violence

+after some very unpleasant moments+

Williams pov:

I put my belt back into place as I glare at Michael. He's got a few buries he's lucky am not in the mood to fully do it

"No more fighting you got it?" I asked as he stared back at me

"But it-"


"I asked if you got it. Not to defend yourself." my glare Intestified as I rubbed the palm of my hand to sooth the aching from smacking him again

"Yes.." he muttered quietly his eyes falling to the floor his cheek already a little shade of red

"Good." I turn heading for the door of his room

"Oh also" I turn my head before closing the door

"Once your cleaned up and covered up as we don't want your siblings seeing that there is a list of things for you to do as me and #### are going out for dinner." and with that I slam the door leaving him to himself

Michael's pov:

"This is unfair.." I put on a hoodie to cover myself up as I hear the front door slamming shut and a car engine igniting

I walk down stairs into the kitchen seeing a small piece of paper on the counter

"That must be it.." I muttered to myself as I walked over and picked it up

"Make dinner for you and your siblings.. Clean after.. Get them ready for bed and no friends over or sneaking out.." I read the list out loud to myself then crushing it up and putting it into the bin

ugh. This feels like my life is on a loop on good days they all leave me alone but more often than not its like this.

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