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+the next day+
⚠️abuse ⚠️

Michael's pov:

I was waiting for William to get home from work he usually spends an hour or two at Henry's but henry is on a work trip today and I need to tell him about malcom.

I heard the front door open making me jump out my bed running down stairs and going to William.

"Dad-! I need something to tell you!" I look at him as he slowly places his coat on a hanger taking his work shoes off.

"Make me a coffee and we can talk." He mumbled it as he slowly staggered to the living room collapsing onto the couch exhausted.

I hurridly make the coffee making sure to not burn myself or making a mess. I then bring the coffee to him and set it down on the glass table in front of him.
"Thanks mike." He lifted the cup taking a big swing of it.

"So what was it that you wanted to tell me, mike?" He looked at me more awake now than when he came in through the door.

"Right! Um!. You know malcom carter right?" I look at him as he slowly nodded looking at me with curiosity.
"What about him?"

"Well you know how we got really close as friends?" He looks at me before taking another swing of his coffee.

"Well. Last night when I went out malcom actually asked me out, so now me and him are dating" I said blushing slightly as he spat his coffee out looking at me wide eyed.

"What!?" He put the coffee down looking a lot more awake then I suspected. He sighed taking a few seconds to calm down.

"Okay okay, I accept the relationship but be careful." He looked at me patting my shoulder and smiling weakly remembering he just came back from work.

"Okay, dad!" I smiled as I noticed something from the corner of my eye making my head turn towards the corridor but there was no one there.

I got an uneasy feeling someone was there listening in on our conversation hoping that it wasn't #### as she wasn't supportive of the lgbt+ but it could just have been my imagination.

+over some days+

Michaels pov:

I've noticed my step mum making comments on gay relationships being wrong for a few days now it was weird as she usually didn't point it out.

I was in my room as I heard my dad taking evan and Elizabeth out am guessing to go visit henry and Charlie as they all are friends and William and henry are secretly dating.

I looked out my window seeing the car leaving the parking as I heard someone opening my door and stepping inside.

I turned my head and saw ####. "Need something?" I looked at her tilting my head to the side slightly as she walked up to me holding something behind her back.

"I heard you're one of those." She looked at me as I realized she meant she found out am gay which was horrible.

"Um.." I step back pressing my had against the window.

"You disgust me, Michael." She slowly pulled her hand out from behind her back and in her hand would be a knife.

"Hey-.. What are you gonna do with that.." I look at the knife as a grin slowly spreads against her face.

"Getting rid off something that's a problem." She said in a sinister tone lifting the kinfe up to my neck.

She slowly grazed the knife down my neck and to my shoulder to the top of my arm where she stuck the knife into causing me to yell out in pain.

"Now now mikey we don't want over people hearing this." She would stick tape on my mouth my hand to busy holding my bleeding wound as she lifted the knife stabbing it into my hand making it go through my hand as she slowly pulled it out.

My screams where muffled as she stuck the knife into my leg making me lose balance relying on leaning on the wall as tears soaked my face.

She finally stopped and ripped the tape off my mouth as I let out loud sobs. She grinned and left my room.

I limped over to my drawers seeing stars already as I grabbed banages wrapping some around my arm, hand and leg to stop the bleeding.

He head spun as I sat on the bed closing my eyes tightly as tears left my eyes and sobs emitted from me.

I layed down slowly keeping my eyes closed. I felt my heart racing and thumping inside my chest and my head got overwhelmed with every little sound.

I gritted my teeth my sobs stopping as the tears kept pouring down my face.

I was going to wait until William came back to hopefully ask him to help as I don't think I did it properly knowing my head was still spinning.

My eyes started to feel heavy and my body slowly relaxing even though I fought with my body hard to keep it from falling asleep knowing this could possibly be the last time am awake if I let myself fall asleep.

However the pain from the stabs started slowly subsiding making me relax more. I opened my eyes hopefully making myself able to stay awake for a little longer.

The thumping of my heart slowly faded as I stared hard at the ceiling with my arms besides my body and my feet dangling off the edge of my bed.

"Ugh.." I whined in pain as my eyelids felt heavy again. I thought over my choices and decided to let myself rest for now hopefully I woke up in an hour or so.

I let my mind and body relax slowly as I felt a small breeze flowing in my room from the opened window as I slowly diffted off into a deep sleep for now.

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