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+at school the following morning+

Michael's pov:

I entered the school and started to make my way to my friends usual hang out spot as I passed this classroom no one uses its called the "abandoned" classroom but kids usually use it to skip school and that. Not really creative to do that as litterly everyone ones people go there so you're gonna get caught.

Without warning I felt an arm grab me by the wrist and pull me into the darkness.

I was about to scream as someone covered my mouth and pinned me against the door locking it.

"MmMm!!!" I tried to yell at whoever this was until they turned the light on making me go silent.

"Stop screaming so much.." They said uncovering my mouth but still pinning me to the door am guessing so I don't run but what the fuck!?

"Malcom what the hell!?" I yelled at him but all he did was take out his phone and headphones.

"Wear this please." He looked at me I obviously didn't trust him but I felt like something told me to just be quite and take the headphones from him.

I slid the headphones into place as I saw him playing some video he took at school.

I was wondering what he wanted me to hear as I heard it. I heard simon and what he was saying. Everything he said was clear until we got to a part I needed to listen in closer where he was more graphic about what he said.

I took the headphones off. Shocked at what I just heard.

"This is why I was fighting him.." Malcom looked away from me he didn't sound mad or anything this is new.

".. Thank you.." I looked at him as his expression got puzzled and his gaze went back to me.

"Huh? Thank you? For what? Aren't you mad that I beat up one of your friends even though he's clearly weak?"
Malcom looked at me still confused as he placed his phone in his pocket and headphones in his bag.

"Yeah. Thank you for doing something about him talking about my body to someone else. Seriously." I looked at him for a second I saw a shine in his eyes before he pulled me closer into a tight hug.

I was shocked when he did that. This morning is full of surprises today and so different. But I didn't mind it at least now I'll be more careful around Simon until I do something further because the teachers wouldn't do shit for all that I know.

As Malcom pulled away he kept his hands on my shoulders.

"Hey Michael.." He sounded a bit nervous as if something would happen to him.

"Yeah?" I looked up at him. I hate that he's so much taller it seriously makes me feel tiny next to him and (am 5'7 or 170cm and Malcom the giant is 6'3 or 190cm)

He looked away slightly which was different than his looking right at me so I knew what ever he said either meant to him on some sort of level or he was gonna say something genuine.

"Well.. I was thinking over something last night after school and I was thinking to ask if you and your friends want to become friends with my group instead of well enemies.." Malcom didn't look at me when he said that and it really surprised me.

Malcoms pov:

I was looking away from Michael waiting for his decision as he the leader of the friend group decides and I could just convince my friends to be nice to them.

"Sure." I heard Michael's voice after a while I was shocked in a good way this time

"Really!? Thank you so much!!!" I pulled Michael into another hug I think I shocked him with my answer he took a whole minute to process what I said and done.

He giggled quietly making my cheeks go a bright shade of pink.

"Fucking hell why does he have such a cute laugh!" I thought to myself before realizing what I just thought about shaking my head.

"Stop or am gonna.. Umm.. Am gonna carry you around all day!!" I blurted out the first thing I could think off.

"Oh?" This just made him giggle louder so I took this as an opportunity to make him stop by grabbing his waist and pulling him up over my shoulder.

"Ah!!" I felt mike get slightly scared so I tried something else by wrapping his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck let's hope he doesn't fall now.

"Don't choke me.." I said as his hands wrapped around my neck more am guessing he doesn't like heights or maybe he doesn't like being picked up.

"Put me down you red head!!" I giggle quietly as he keeps screaming for me to put him down but I turn the lights off and unlock the door holding him up with one arm and opening the door with the other.

"No can do foxy." I said as I left the classroom quite honestly I had no clue where to go but hey at least I've made him a friend now so hopefully we get closer and cora doesn't get involved she's the jealous type..

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