~prom (part one)~

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+a few weeks later+

Malcoms POV:

+text: malcom+
Mi Amor?

+text: Michael+
Yes, love?

+text: malcom+
Meet me at the blossom
trees near the
lake tonight. <3

+text: Michael+
Uhm- okay?

+that evening at the lake with blossom trees+

Malcoms POV:

I wait anxiously, messing with the sleeves of my jacket as I see Michael coming towards me. My throat drying up as I sweat slightly in nervousness.

I see him stand in front of me and smile widely like he usually does which makes me smile as well.

"Soooo. Why did you want to meet here?" He looked at me with a confused and adorable face which I could just squeeze all day in the most loving way.

"Ah.. Right.. Well uhm.." My throat dries up again as I look down at him and hold his hand in both of mine.

"Well uhm.. As you know prom is coming up soon." He looks at me still with that confused but pleasant face making my heart beat faster and a faint blush spread on my cheeks.

"Mhm?" His head tilts gently to the right as his arms rest on my chest. I would kiss his cheek softly.

"Well.. I wanted to ask if you wanted to be my date for prom.." I'd mutter in shyness, looking away as he quietly gasps in surprise and blushes.

"I.. Of course I would!!" He exclaims and brings my face close pulling us into a kiss which I deepened as my hands rested on his hips.

I pulled away smiling just like him our faces mirroring each other's as we held each other in a tight hug.

"I'm so happy you said yes.." I smiled at him and held his cheek with one hand caressing it slowly as he blushed gently and smiled at me.

"Of course.." He smiled up at me and leaned into my touch as I kept one hand on his cheek and the other around his waist.

"Cmon mi Amor.. Let's go and watch the stars for a while yeah? Then we can go to mine for the night" he nodded excitedly at my proposal and I would get a hold of one of his hands and lead him somewhere into a hill where we could watch the stars.

He held my hand tightly our steps falling in line as we finally reach the area where I sit on the ground with Michael following me down onto the grass.

He'd move closer to me as we laid down my hands wrapped around him and his wrapped around me as we laid there watching the starts one of Michael's favorite things.

"It's so pretty tonight.." He muttered making me look at him and smile.

"Just like you mi Amor" I chuckle seeing his face go fully red as he buries his head into the side of my chest.

I'd pull him up onto my chest and hold him close as he slowly wraps his hands around me and settles in.

I'd watch the stars looking at the sky until I feel Michael's body relaxing. I look down at my chest when I notice he fell asleep. I'd smile softly and give him a peck on the head as I sit up holding him.

I get up on my feet and wrap his legs around my waist and his arms around me as well as I hold him close and begin making my way home.

+once malcom got home+

Malcoms POV:

I'd put mike in my bed and take his shoes and jacket off. He was already wearing shorts so I just put one of my hoodies on top of him.

I'd change quickly into something for bed and get into bed. Mike would still be asleep as I lift the covers sliding under them and pulling his body close to mine.

I'd hold his body close to me smiling softly. My heart would go faster as I hold him close thinking about our relationship.

He's such a sweet boyfriend. I just want to shower him in gifts and spoil him rotten. I'd kiss his head a couple of times seeing him smile in his sleep was the cutest thing.

God.. Everything mike did made me fall for him even more with each day even if it wasn't the best of days for us he still made it better.

God I love this boy. I want to marry him already and be with him together so we could do this much more often.

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