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+after the summer once collage started+

Malcoms POV:

Summer just ended meaning me and mike will be starting collage now. It's the first day today so let's see how it goes.

I'm waiting in front of mikes house so that we can walk together and to buy him food because I know he probably won't be bringing anything since he hates eating in front of strangers but he needs food so I'll just get him some.

I wait like maybe 5 minutes until the front door swings open and out comes mike as he quickly locks the door behind him and runs up to me hugging me tightly.

I chuckle quietly and pull him closer kissing his head as he smiles widely up at me.

"We can go now!!" He holds my hand and begins taking me there making me smile softly as I hold his hand and give it a light squeeze to get his attention.

"Huh?" He turned around to face me with a confused expression on his face tilting his head to the side which I always found quite adorable.

"We're going to shops before we get to school." I say calmly as he looks even more confused until I continue. "To buy food, silly." I smile at him as he rolls his eyes.

"But why" he'd whine tugging on my arm gently. I'd pull him closer and lift his head up by holding his chin.

"Because I know you probably haven't taken anything and it would be too late to make something." I rub his cheek as he huffs quietly and look away.

"Fine.." Mike muttered quietly as I began walking with my hand on mikes hip to keep him close.

+once they got to school+

Michael's POV:

It's quite crowded here so I kept to malcoms side all this time. I saw some familiar people that we went to secondary school with but no one really important.

Mark and Fredrick went to a different collage because it was closer to their houses while me and malcom went to this collage.

I think malcoms friend Cora or something like that should be here as well but I'm not sure. I haven't seen her yet so she might not be in the same classes as us but that's fine.

Malcom seems like he loves it here. He's always liked school more than me anyway. He especially liked the library I remember him talking about some book series he wants but can't afford so I might get him that for his birthday.

+once it was Lunch+

Michael's POV:

Once it was finally lunch me and malcom decided to find a quiet area to sit and enjoy some food he bought for us today.

He sat down under this tree and pulled me down next to him making me make a small shocked noise but we laughed it off as he held me close by holding my waist.

After like ten minutes I got bored of eating so I just leaned on malcom and after a moment I looked up at him while he was eating a muffin.

"Mal" I looked at him as he turned his head and looked down at me.

"Hm?" He muffled as his mouth was full of food waiting for me to continue as I sat up and looked at him.

"Your birthday is soon. Is it on a weekend?" I asked him and he looked away for a moment probably trying to figure it out. He then swallowed whatever was in his mouth.

"It's on Saturday so yeah. Why?" He looked at me and titled his head a little while waiting for my answer.

"Well I've got some surprises planned and I wanted to know if it's on a weekend" I'd smile at him slightly avoiding the question and not going into details.

"Ah, okay hunny." He smiled at me then took another bite out of his muffin as I crawled up into his laps facing him.

"Oh? What are you doing here, hunny?"
He chuckled and looked down at me as I wrapped my arms around him and burried my head in his chest.

He sighed and smiled then wrapped one arm around me tightly as I clung to him cuddling him my head on his chest listening to his heart beat.

"You're so cute, chubby cheeks" he chucked as I blushed slightly and huffed as he finished his muffin and packed away anything we didn't eat or finish.

"Cmon you have to get off so that I can throw the trash out." He kissed my head and placed me next to him as he took the trash and walked over to the bin near by and threw it away then came back to me.

I got up and grabbed my bag putting it on as he put the food in his and put his own bag on and held my hand.

"Let's go, we have like 5 min to get to class so let's get going so that were not late." He started walking there as I follow close besides him.

We got into the building and malcom looked at our timetable since we had the same lesson and took us both to our class just in time for the teacher to open the door for the others and us.

As we entered we all picked our own seats and luckily me and malcom got to sit together at the end of a third row so malcom let me sit closer to the wall.

I looked over to malcom and saw some other guys sat next to us so I didn't think much of it and watched the teacher as she introduced herself and began talking about starting off with some ice breakers like 'two truths and a line' and other things but I wasn't that interested.

I began looking out the window and some people volunteered to start so the teacher began going though them one by one.

+after school+

Michael's POV:

We didn't do much that lesson it was mostly ice breakers and the teacher went over what we will be learning and some other stuff that isn't really that important plus I was looking out the window or talking with malcom most of the time anyway.

Well most lessons went that way anyway but I had fun talking with malcom and some other people.

I hated my last lesson though. The teacher we had made me and malcom seperate because he didn't think we would behave well enough in actual lessons so now I'm sat on back row while he sits on the second row.

Luckily I sit to some kid I kinda know so at least I'm not sat next to a complete stranger like malcom in that lesson.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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