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Texts will look like: +text: malcom/Michael+ ########

+autumn holidays+

Malcolm's pov:

Me and Mike have been friends for over a month now and I just left the shop after hopefully buying him a good gift. It wasn't much but I got him a plushie of foxy which is his favorite animatronic and he told me he was forced to give most of his plushies away but I got him a new one.

+text: malcom+ hey mike can you meet up with me tonight?

+text: Mike+ uh sure!! What time and where?????

+text: malcom+ at the blossom tree near the river and at 7pm!!

+text: Mike+ okay!!!

+at 7pm+

Malcolm's pov:

I got here early making sure everything was perfect it was beginning to get dark so there was a lovely sunset as I saw Mike coming he looked lovely as always.

"Am here!!" He said happily as he stood in front of me.

"I can see mikey-" I smiled back chuckling slightly at his excitement to being here.

"So why are we here???" He tilted his head in confusion his face so innocent and adorable I would just eat him up right there and then.

"I wanted to confess something-" I blushed slightly looking away for a second before I grew the courage and and looked at him again.

"I wanted to ask if you.. Would um.. Go out with me?.." My voice was full of nervousness as I looked at him his expression turning into shock or maybe surprise?

Michael's pov:

I was shocked malcom just asked me out!!

"Of course I'll go out with you malcom!!" I beam and answer.

"Really!?" Malcom asked in happiness as he pulled me closer lifting up my head.

"Of course I would you silly!" I giggle but am quickly cut off as malcom plants a kiss right on my lips shocking me but in a second I calm down kissing him back.

He pulls away after a few seconds just to smash his lips against mine again deepening the kiss. He holds my thigh squeezing it gently making me gasp lightly giving him the chance to slip his tongue into my mouth making me let out a quite moan.

He pulls away after a bit from making out a string of saliva connecting our lips making my face go red.

He licks his lips smirking as he pulled me against him as I hid my face in his chest making him let out a low giggle.

"Cmon look at me, darling" he lifted my head up my face still bright red.

"I got you a gift my dear." He smiled as he pulled out a plushie foxy making me regain my composure.

"You got me a foxy plushie!? Ahh!! Thank you!!" I smiled wide as I took the plushie from him hugging it tightly and smelling noahs perfume on it making me bury my face into it.

Malcom smiled patting my head and ruffling my hair as if we didn't just make out not even five minutes ago.

"Mikey I wanna do one more thing with you." Noah lifted my head up as I looked at him tilting my head as he took me to the blossom tree and taking out a small knife and carving a heart into it and writing his first initial and an add symbol.

"Your turn dear." He passed me the knife as I carved in my first initial after the add symbol into the tree looking at our initials made me get butterflies in my stomach a feeling I couldn't explain.
It just made me feel so weird as I processed that am dating malcom.

"I love you.." I muttered as I felt him rubbing my arm gently he was probably smiling if I looked at him as he whispered "I love you too.." With his mouth pressed against my head.

Michael x MalcomWhere stories live. Discover now