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After care 😍

Michaels POV:

I'd sit in malcoms lap hugging him with my head in his neck until I would get an idea. I'd shift to sit on his crotch slowly placing my mouth on his neck.

"What are you doing, mi Amor?" He said while a faint blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Mm.." I'd gently bite his neck as I felt his tense up. He would look down at me and move his hands down to my waist as I continue biting his neck putting slightly more pressure on it.

He'd groan quietly and tighten his grip on my waist. I'd take this chance to being grinding on his laps slowly earning a quiet moan from him as I continue grinding.

After a few minutes I'd feel something poking me through his clothes already guessing what it is. My pace would slowly quicken as I felt him getting even more hard.

Suddenly, Malcom would start bouncing me slightly on his dick making me blush. He'd rub my waist slowly while continuing to bounce me on his laps. "Mm..~" I'd moan quietly which made him bounce me quicker and me moaning a bit louder.

He'd then place me on the floor in between his legs, I'd blush realizing what he wanted as he slid his pants down.

"Cmon mi Amor~ you caused it.~" he would lift my head up by holding my chin tightly but not enough to hurt me.

My face would have a slight red tint as I  pull his boxers down. He would watch my ever move grinning as he ran his fingers through my hair.

I'd hold his dick in one hand as I put half his length in my mouth. He'd smirk and push my head down more as most of his length went in my mouth.

I'd being sucking him off as he groans gripping my hair. My pace quickens as I go faster hearing him moan makes me go faster.

After a few minutes of me sucking him off fast I'd feel his dick throb in my mouth and I would know he was close to finishing.

I'd swirl my tongue around his length as he releases his load into my mouth. "Swallow..~" he'd muttered slightly out of breath his voice still sounding quite demanding which turned me on and I would follow his command and swallow ever last drop.

"Good boy..~" he'd run his fingers through my hair as I take his length out my mouth licking my lips and blushing slightly from the nickname.

He'd pull me up onto the bed then pinning me down under him. "You will have to stay quite, mi Amor..~" his voice would be low as he begins taking my shorts off.

I nod blushing faintly as he pulls my boxers down and getting up then going to my closet and opening it.

He'd take out lube and a pair of handcuffs. He'd come back to me and place the lube on the bed.

"You okay with these, honey..?~" he would hold up the pair of handcuffs and I would nod blushing. (Always ask for consent). He would grin and handcuff my wrists to the bed frame.

I'd blush as he goes between my legs lifting them up and wrapping then around him as he grabs the lube again.
He would open the bottle and pour some on his fingers.

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