~last straw (part 2)~

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+once Michael and his siblings returned to their hosue~

Michaels POV:

It's been a couple hours since we returned home I was planning to spend the night at malcoms house but his family was out for the night.

"Michael! Come down stairs!" I heard my father, William, yell for me from down stairs. I wondered why he would need me so late but I got up and made my way to him.

"Yeah?" I looked at him, leaning on the door frame besides me. He was holding a coffee mug and sighed as he looked at me.

"That woman just pulled the last straw so I'm filing out our divorce papers. I was supposed to do this later but I decided to do it now. So I'll be in court with her next week so I expect you to take care of your siblings yes?" He looked at me expectingly.

I nod slightly shocked at the news. I knew their relationship was awful but fuck I never expected them to divorce. Well it makes sense why she was so annoyed this morning.

+after the court trail+

Michaels POV:

William just came back all alone and told us he won full custody of all three of us. I was gald it was him rather than my step mother.

+texts: Michael+

+texts: malcom+
Yes my love?

+texts: Michael+
Come over.<3

+texts: malcom+
Okay mi Amor. <3

Michaels POV:

I blush at malcoms text I love when he calls me that. I smile at my phone laying in bed.

Knowing malcom is going to come soon I get up still in a towel after showering since I had a nap I go to my dresser and put on a pair of boxers and shorts. I also put on a shirt and hoodie I took from malcom earlier.

+once malcom arrived in mikes room+

Michaels POV:

I hug malcom as we stand in my room his head resting on top of mine as I smile, my head against his chest. I'd yawn and stretch my arms out as he lifted his head up and looked down at me.

"Sleepy, honey?" His voice was calm and gentle as I nodded slightly. He'd pick me up off the floor my legs wrapping around his waist and my arms around his back, my head falling on his shoulder as he went to my bed.

He'd place me on the bed getting in after me. He would put his hand around my waist bringing me close as I put my leg over his.

"Sleep well, mi Amor." He whispered near my ear and kissed my head gently after he finished his sentence.

"You as well, love" I smiled and cuddled him as he brought the covers over me and him.

+few hours later+

Michaels POV:

I woke up a few hours later and sat up rubbing my eyes. Once I finished rubbing my eyes I looked at the window and it would be pitch black.

I feel malcoms hand pull my waist closer to him making me blush slightly.

I kiss his cheek and unwrap his arms from my waist slowly sliding out of bed. I walk over to my desk and check the time on my phone. It would read '23:56'
My eyes widened since we fell asleep in the early afternoon.

I sigh and go to the bathroom connected to my bedroom and shut the door. I'd walked over to the shower turning the water on as I undress. Once I'd fully undress I would step into the shower and pour shampoo on my hand then rubbing it into my hair.

Malcoms POV:

I'd feel Michael leave the bed waking me up. I'd sit up slowly once I hear the shower being turned on, yawning and stretching I'd glance over to the window noticing it's dark out already.

I'd groan in annoyance as I could've spent the day doing stuff with Michael but it's late and most people are usually asleep by now.

I would sigh and get up then fix mikes bed a bit going into the bathroom with him.

"Mi Amor. Can I join?" I'd look at him. He would blush slightly and nod as he rinses the shampoo from his hair.

I would smile and undress, stepping into the shower with him and hugging him.

"Did you sleep well, mi Amor?" I'd look at him and place my head on his shoulder.

"Mhm, how about you, my love?" He'd smile as I hugged him tighter. "Same here"

+after they had a shower+

Malcom's POV:

I'd sit on Michaels bed as dried his hair still half undressed since he didn't want to until his hair was dry.

I'd watch as he finishes drying his hair and puts on one of my shirts which I don't remember giving him so he probably stole it but I didn't mind it looked cute on him.

Standing up I would walk over to him and pick him up. I would wrap his legs around my waist as he put his arms around me clinging to me.

I'd make my way to the bed again sitting on it as he sat on my lap his head burried in my neck, hugging me.

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