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+the next day at school+

Michael's pov:

The next day at school was tiring my leg and arm ached and my left hand needs therapy as some of the nerves had to be replaced so it's hard to use my left hand and I can't lift heavy things with it.

I went to malcom and hugged him his attention to me and pulling me closer by my waist and smiling

"Heya darling" he smiled and kisses my cheek a few times making me blush slightly.

"oh- love I've got something to tell you-" I muttered slightly as he lifted my head up and tilted his head in confusion.

"What do you need to say darling?" He asked then kissed my cheek again holding my waist with one hand.

"Well- I was in hospital yesterday and my leg and arm hurt also my left hand-" I look up at him as a his face got panicked and he lifted me into his arms and rested mine on top of his shoulders.

"Mikey!! You should've told me! I don't want your leg or arm hurting more." He said in a caring way and she dug his face into my neck.

I giggled a bit and rested my head on his as I felt him cuddling me with his lips pressed against my neck I felt a smile forming on his lips.

I yawned as he lifted his head and kissed my cheek as he began walking to our class which was art.

+in art class+

Michaels pov:

I am sat next to malcom in art class as we sit in class practicing to draw hands for a project we are gonna do is year.

I look over at malcom who is busy drawing, he's almost got half of it done as I bearly did anything as the pain in my right arm make my whole arm ache. (Right arm got stabbed left hand got stabbed while trying to cover the wound in his arm if you didn't get it).

I sigh getting Malcolm's attention as he looked over seeing I bearly did anything a worried expression on his face since I enjoy drawing a lot.

"Your arm hurts right?" He asked worried as I nodded slowly picking up the pencil again as making some more shading that didn't require much pressure.

"Am sorry dear" he kissed my head and put on of his arms around me as I continued to do the easy parts while taking few minute breaks to rest my hand

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