~fire alarm~

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+half way into the fifth lesson+

Michasls pov:

I was slowly shading as I hear the bell which was weird because it was mid lesson until I realized it was the fire alarm which made my heart race.

Malcom was a few steps before me as he already grabbed mine and his bag and was currently lifting me out my chair.

I was a little shocked when he picked me up but I wrapped my arms around his neck an clung to him wrapping my legs around his waist as we left with everyone else.

Once we got outside it was extremely crowded and loud but luckily me and malcom are in the same form group so he kept holding me as all the kids filed into form groups.

It was still extremely loud and I covered my ears but am guessing malcom saw me because he moved his head to the side and started whispering into my ear.

"Calm down Mikey.. It's okay.. I am here.." He kept whispering into my ear and held me close the words repeating in my head slowly calming me down as he kept holding me.

He smiled once he saw me calm down kissing my head and resting his on top of mine.

he lowered me on to to the floor and held my hips as all the other students were settling and the teachers finished their fire alarm registers.

"You want to sneak off?" Malcom looked down at me and smirked.

"Uh sure, it's boring here anyway" I smiled back as he held my hand and we quickly moved behind one of the PE sheds leaning against the wall to avoid being seen.

We stayed there until we heard all of the forms return to class.

I leaned forward and poked my head around the corner of the shed to make sure it was empty. As I expected there was no one there so I steped out from hiding as malcom followed.

I'd yawn quietly as the two of us walked to the far end of the school field where we both climbed the fence and landed on the other side. Unfortunately,
I stumbled slightly but it was alright as malcom caught me and put me up right.

(Sorry to anyone reading this 😭 my mother said she was planning to go through my phone and I also was moving my stuff to a different bedroom 😖)

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