~step mother~

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+the following week+

Michael's pov:

Now that I didn't have someone beating me up at school it felt easier to be at the school in the first place. Malcom was a lot nicer obviously but he loved to point out am shorter than him all the time but am not really that short!!

Other then that it's actually quite nice obviously I still hate school and all but oh well. Malcolm's friends are alright I suppose I don't like cora all that much she seems really clingy to malcom and doesn't give him personal space but noah told me to not get involved I can't do much about it.

However today malcom, mark, fred short for Fredrik and me are going out later today to go shops it's the morning right now so I was going to go down stairs to get a drink I really wasn't feeling like eating so I got a cup of water.

I saw my step mother drinking wine but knowing her she's definitely got something stronger and she's most definitely drunk.

"What are you staring at!?" She snapped at me taking another swing of her wine.

".. Nothing." I glace to the floor drinking some of my water.

I saw as he got a wine bottle in hand and made her way over to me.

"Need something?" I look as she stands right in front of him her clothes all messed up and her makeup smuged I am guessing she was out hooking up with strangers again. It's not like we care as William is cheating on her with henry so it's all good. Kinda.

"I need you to go and get me more alcohol." Her speech was slightly slurred and she held tight on the bottle.

"But your already drunk. I don't think you should." As much as I didn't like her and wished she left and all I do know she becomes really aggressive when she has too much alcohol and not knowing how drunk she is could just have been my mistake.

"Oh cmon I dont care! Go get it now!" She started becoming annoyed as she grabbed my arm tightly.

"Go get it before there's consequences." Her grip on my arm tightened as she waited for my response.

".. No.." I muttered quietly slightly hoping she didn't hear me but she did and her eyes widened as she took the wine bottle and pulled my arm down so I was lower down.


I saw as glass pieces fell down to the floor it felt like time stopped for a second until she dragged me down making me fall into the shards of glass.
"Ow!" I yelled out as I fell onto the glass it stabbed my hands and legs.

She forcefully lifted my head by grabbing my hair and pulling back so I look at her.

"Now that am two bottles down go get me two instead of one." She glared at me.

"No.." I knew would be a bad mistake but she will leave me alone after some time.

"What!?" She grabbed my head tightly again. She pulled me up by dragging my hair up luckily I wasn't on the glass anymore.

She dragged me to my bedroom and shoved me onto the floor.

"Why cant you just do what your told!?" She yelled at me before taking the part of the bottle that hadn't smashed and and am guessing she tried to smash it but she left a cut on my forehead.

She pulled me up by my hair and forced me to look at her. "You're such a fucking mistake. You better not leave the house today."

"But I was planning to me-!" She cut me off before I finished by slapping me across the face. She tried to hit me and I tried to hold her arm back but the glass in my palms made me pull my hands away.

+after 10 minutes+

After she left I didn't know what to do this was gonna be hard to cover up but she said I can leave the house as long as it's all covered up but I started feeling warm at the front of my head I touched it with my finger and it hurt like hell but I saw a small amount of blood running down my finger which alarmed me.

I got up and attempted to go to the bathroom connected to my bed room so once I got in and locked the door I looked into the mirror and saw red liquid blood pouring down my face.

Physically my step mother only gave me a few bruises but the glass was what made it worse and I would have to take the glass out my hands first to do anything.

So I started slowly pulling out each shard of glass and cleaning the wound. It took several minutes but I managed to finish both my hands and I wrapped up my palms for now just so they don't get infected. Then I started separating my hair and I found some glass had left cuts all over the front of my head and one of my forehead so I started cleaning it out and left the ones on my head but placed a plaster over the one on my forehead.

I sat on the floor slowly looking at my knees that had glass in then as well. Less than my hands but it's still glass so I began taking the glass out and cleaning it went quite quickly as there wasn't much left so after I was done I got up and threw the glass into a bin.

I went into my room and began choosing an outfit that would cover my upper arms just so the bruises are covered and I settled on a gray tank top with baggy black jeans and a dark red Jacket it was starting to get colder during the day so a jacket wouldn't seem suspicious or anything.

After I chose the outfit I just layed on my bed as there wasn't much to do and everything hurt.

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