~last straw (part 1)~

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⚠️fake- don't do this y'all 😭⚠️
⚠️fictional don't do what they will⚠️

Malcolm's POV:

Mike went home the next day after school. I had a bad feeling about it for some reason. I said for me to walk him home but he insisted I didn't which made me confused because he usually wants me to walk him. I tried not to think about it much.

+later that day+

Malcolm's POV:

It was around 8pm now and I was casually sitting in my room playing the drums a small hobby of mine until I heard my phone ringing. I looked at it confused until I saw it was Michael. So quite obviously I picked my phone up and answered it only to be greeted with Evans voice. Evan is Michaels younger brother.

"Malcom.. You really need to come to our house.. Like right now.." Evan sounded scared and I heard other voices in the background but I couldn't tell what they were saying or who it even was.

"Evan, what's wrong? Did something happen?" I started getting worried of course since it could have something to do with Mike.

"Uh.. Well yes.. A lot actually.." Evan sounded even more worried as a loud bang was heard from a distance making evan squeak quietly.

"What's going on there Evan." My voice was more stern now as I was getting concerned. I heard Evan quietly Shushing Elizabeth Michaels sister as I could hear her sniffling next to him.

"Mikey.. And #### are arguing.. We don't know what's happening but were scared..." My jaw dropped when I heard that quickly jumping off my seat and putting on my shoes and jacket.

"Why are they arguing, evan?" I hear yelling now being able to tell apart the two voices.

"Just come here.. The front door is open.." Evan whispers quietly as the call hangs up. I stare at my phone frozen for a moment taking in the whole situation before snapping out of it and running out my house towards mikes house.

As I run down mikes street I can hear their arguing faintly but getting louder the closer I get. The yelling worrying me yet I still can't make out the words.

I finally get to the front door when I hear a loud thud on the ground making me jump. I hurriedly open the door which was unlocked as I ran into the living room..

I look at who it was and there would be Michael's body laying on the floor, my blood running cold as I see him. I cautiously approach him lifting his head which has a huge cut across his left eye, his skin pale as I can't seem to see the other person at all which I guess was his step mother from what I knew.

I wince imagining what he must of gone through as I lift his body in my arms and head up to his room where I know his siblings are in.

Once I get to mikes room both his siblings run out of hiding and squeeze me into a tight hug, both their faces stained with tears their eyes red and puffy.

"C'mon you two.." I half muttered as we made our way out mikes room however right before I left I snatched Michaels comfort plush as much as I know he won't admit it we all know it's his comfort plush.

~once malcom, Mike and his siblings arrived at a hospital near by~

Malcoms POV:

I'm sat with mikes siblings in his hospital room as I sigh and shake my head. I can't stand seeing him hurt like this as I hold one of his hands looking at him.

The doctors said he was mostly fine only a few cuts on his body and bruises. However they said he had some internal bleeding in his leg so they had to fix that now I'm just waiting for him to wake up.

I watch over Evan and Elizabeth the two of them are sitting and drawing in colouring books the hospital provided them.

+after less than an hour+

Michaels POV:

I slowly open my eyes, groaning quietly and looking away as the bright light hits my eyes.

I see malcom, sitting besides me his expression a shocked but happy one. As he pulls me up on his laps and hugs me. I burry my head into his neck and hug him back.

"Slept well, princess?" He chuckles slightly making me blush.

"Shush.." I muttered, looking up at his face seeing him grin down at me. I rolled my eyes playfully and sat up.

"But for your information yes I did.. I slept well.." I smiled slightly rubbing my eyes as he smiles back resting his hands on me.

Suddenly, Evan and Elizabeth come running and hug me tightly. They start speaking at once asking me a bunch of questions as I wait quietly for them to finish.

"I'm fine you two. Seriously-" I ruffle Evans hair as they calm down and smile widely.

Malcom smiles and kisses the top of my head holding my hands as both Evan and Liz go back to their drawings after making sure I was alright.

I rested my head on malcoms chest sighing from relief as I'm finally out the house again. I feel malcoms arms wrapping around me and rubbing my bad slowly to comfort me as he has his head atop of mine us two just quietly sitting there taking in the moment as Evan and Lizzy busy themselves with their colourings.

I look at my lover, lifting my head I kiss him softly on his lips as he returns the favour kissing me back and keeping me close to his body and sighing quietly.

"Are you okay, love?" I look at him with a confused face as he chuckles quietly and nods as I smile in respond and put my head back onto his chest closing my eyes and hugging him while he keeps rubbing my back.

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