Hongjoong - when you come home after work

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You work at a law firm as a defence lawyer. It's been a really long day for you. You had 2 hearings in court and had to study some new cases as your stress kept piling up. You felt like giving up but just then, you get a text from your husband hongjoong.
{ hey precious, I know that you've been stressed lately. I've got something for you when you come home dear!! I love you baby } it did cheer you up a bit but all you felt like doing was collapse in Hongjoong's warm embrace. You felt so bad for not giving him enough time and the thought of your cold behaviour towards him made you feel guilty.
What did he ever do to deserve such coldness? I've been so harsh on him. I'm done seeing him suffer like this. He is such a sweetheart to me, I've hurt him enough even if it was unintentional. I will have to make it up him- you thought. Yes, indeed you were ruthless and very cold hearted in court and in person too. It was high time you started to warm up a bit just at home. You were feared by many people, even your boss for your intimidating nature. But you had to change a bit. You were getting weaker by hiding your emotions and strain your heart to keep all the pain and felt shitty for being extremely brutal with your husband. Just as you were drowning in your thoughts, a squeaky voice broke your little bubble.
" yah y/n, you done with those files?", your boss aka your best friend asked with a calm smile across her face.
"Yeah im done. Take these", you replied a bit tired.
" you've worked so hard dude, thank you for your dedication, but I insist that you take the rest of the day off. All the work is done and you've got nothing to really do",she spoke with a hint of approval.
" thank you but, you sure? I can just take some more clients you know", you said sounding unsure.
" yes im sure! DONT YOU DARE TAKE MORE CLIENTS!!! Save some for me too", your best friend pouted ( just imagine your bestie here )
" ok, we'll, take care and please don't stay up too late, you look awful with wrinkles haha", you smiled at her but giving a subtle glare.
" will do. Beyyyy love ya", your boss said with a wink while giving you a hug.

TiMe sKiP~~~~~
Just when you park up on your massive driveway, you look at the way hongjoong rushes towards you as soon as he heard the gates close. You get out of the car and walk up to him calmly as you enter the house.
" hey baby, how was your day?", he asks wrapping you in a hug with a peck on your nose.
" stressful. I'm so tired. Can we cuddle for a bit?", you say with a smile showing your pearly smile for the first time in front of him.
He just stares at you in shock. You were never this warm with him but he loved this new version of you.
" oh my god b-baby?? What happened to you?", he asked in complete awe at your smile.
" do you not like it?", you ask as you made your way to the sofa after washing your hands. 
" no, I love it. But I wasn't expecting you to change this drastically. It feels so good to have you hug me back and your smile really is beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful and perfect".
" haha thank you love. I wanted to change a bit. I just feel so guilty for being so harsh on you and just never talking to you properly. I am so sorry joongie. I really am baby. Please, if I ever hurt you, forgive me. You don't deserve to be treated this way. I'm so so so sorry", you say teary eyed.
" awww my baby, don't worry you don't hurt me. Yeah sometimes I felt like shit but I know why you have to maintain this attitude. I love you so much. Don't ever apologize for something that you have no control over. I love you and always will, hope you know that y/n", Hongjoong said smiling brightly while cupping your cheeks and taking you in for a kiss. It was passionate but soft.
" babe, look, I made your favourite food. Come let's eat", hongjoong beamed. After eating,
you both cuddled up together and watched a cute rom-com movie and fell asleep in each other's arms.

NEXT IMAGINE: Park Seonghwa:)))

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