Seonghwa- ex's drama ( fluff+angst )

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Nothing is better than falling asleep on your desk studying after completing your assignments and studying for your exams with a sense of relief.

Even though you live in a very noisy apartment, you still managed to study for your test in pure silence.

As you were snoozing away on your desk straining your neck, you were woken up by a very VERY loud snore. You instantly look up and see that you've been sleeping on your desk surrounded by at least 7 coffee mugs. You turn around to find your boyfriend, Seonghwa sleeping on the couch.

Yes you've heard Seonghwa snore, but never this loud. It was almost like a jump scare for you.

" man what the actual fuck!!!", you curse at the sudden scare.

Wait hold up, has he slept on the couch this whole night??? Why? Oh my god he looks so cute like this but i feel bad~ you thought.
All of a sudden, Seonghwa squirms and starts stretching. He almost falls off but you rush to him and grab him before he does so.

" careful baby. I don't want to see you fall", you giggle.
" ahh- what time is it??", Seonghwa said staring at your bare face for the first time.
" around 7 am".
You look so pretty I just can't take my eyes off you. Such a pretty face, why do you hide it with so much makeup", Seonghwa looks at you with his usual doe eyes.
" I'll tell you in a bit. For now, freshen up. I think wooyoung made breakfast this time", you say rolling your eyes and flashing a quick smile.
TiMe sKiP~~~~~~~

After showering ( separately), you both head downstairs to find a note on the kitchen island. It read:

Good morning love birds. We will be gone for the day because Yunho and Mingi wanted to go to the bookstore for a bit. And the rest though that you guys need some time to rest together. Wooyoung made you guys breakfast and lunch, do not call any of us unless you got food poisoning!! Beyyy!

" yesssss!! We have the day all to ourselves!", Seonghwa squealed.
" yeah we do. What do you want to do today? We've got some options."
" OH MY GOD!! Y/N, do you want to go to the movies? The movie you've been dying to see is on!", he practically shouted.
" ummm do want to? Cuz baby I don't want to force you," you say swinging your arms around his neck on your tippy toes.
" I watched the trailer last night to see why you wanted to see it so bad, and I honestly think it's really interesting. I mean, most movies are just for time pass, but this one is based on prehistoric times and you know how much that fascinates me. So, do you want to go love?", Seonghwa's eyes were sparkling with genuine excitement.
" ok, I'm going to look at the show time. Do you prefer afternoon or night shows?"
" I don't care. As long as we can spend time together. You decide."
Maybe afternoon. We can go to dinner later. Sound cool??"
" sounds awesome:)".
TimE sKiP~~~~~~~
You guys made it to the theatre, and Seonghwa insists that he should get the popcorn alone so you don't miss the movie. You protested but the love in his eyes was almost hypnotizing. So, while he is gone, you encounter someone you'd never want to see again. Let's see what happened-
He just left me to get popcorn. Man, why does he love me so much?
As I was waiting for him, for some reason, I felt my stomach sink and an oddly familiar feeling washed over me.
I felt a presence behind me and was stupid enough to turn around. My eyes meet with the last person I wanted to see other than my mother.
My eyes widen at the person. It was jungkook, my ex.

" hey y/n. It's been a while", he spoke with a hint of arrogance.
I look around and see a girl more like woman with him who looks exactly like my MOM???? What the fuck! He was dating MY MOM???!!! Just that sight made me feel sick to my stomach.

He did tell me that he was cheating on me with someone the day we broke up, but never told me who. He was banging my mom and me at the same time??? Ewwwww! I felt my stomach churn and I almost threw up.

Just then, I feel Seonghwa's palm on my thigh and I snapped out of my thoughts. That uneasy feeling still lingered.

" you indeed are a little slut. You went after your best friend after I broke up with you. You whore! I thought that I was too harsh for calling you that until I saw you with that stupid boyfriend of yours (my heart hurt writing this. I'm so sorry). How many more guys will you sleep with!" We're jungkook's words.

The way he spoke with that disgusting confidence just pissed you off further. And his degrading names were enough for me to stand up and smack him across the face.

I was shocked at my own strength when he flew back into his seat. Tears were starting to pool around my waterline.

" watch your mouth! Don't you dare call my y/n any of those words. Those words apply to my mother-in-law who you fucked and are still fucking to date. Now before matters get worse, let's watch this movie in peace and after it's done, we will argue all we want. Just you and me. Eommonie, can I talk to you for a minute please", Seonghwa spoke with a very cold tone, but emphasized eommonie so that my mother would be reminded that she had a daughter.
_________end of pov_________

"H-huh? Oh umm y-yeah".
Seonghwa walked down the stairs and onto the ramp that lead outside of the theatre room.
He made sure that what he was about to say was impactful and used his harsh tone to get his point across. He told me to stay back with a taser in case jungkook tried to harm me.

"Li-listen to me dear, I want to be very honest here. I'm not dating jungkook. I promise. He has been nice enough to help pay for my mortgage and help with a few bills. He has learned the skills to hack any device and has been tracking every move y/n makes since the day they broke up or maybe even before. He threatened me that he will harm my child if I don't play along in order for him to get what he wants. That's the only reason I'm here right now. He has help my husband hostage for over 5 years. I never wanted to hurt her. I'm so sorry if I hurt any of you both in anyway", y/n's mother spoke voice cracking as her eyes welled up.
"Eommonie, I know, but it's high time that you tell her the truth. She has gone through hell and back to get to where she is. She needs a break and it's time you tell her. I love her, I can't even beare to see a frown on her face, tears are another level of heart shattering", seonghwa spoke loud and clear.
TiMe SkIp——————————————
" babe, I have something for you. Come here", Seonghwa called out.
I was pulled out into the living room with a blindfold on. As soon as he took it off my face, he said this:
" Y/N L/N, will you please marry me? Will you be mine till death separates us", he spoke with love overflowing from his vocal cords.
" YES SEONGHWA! YES I WOULD LOVE TO", I said with teary eyes.


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