Yunho- nothing but friendship pt.1 (lil bit of fluff +angst)

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Author's warning: really foul language and mentions of violence (a few slaps to the face and thoughts)
Tell me if you want a book for this one

You grew up with both parents, an abusive mother, and a workaholic father so he was hardly around as he was a business man. Let's just say, you and your mother never got along. You grew up to have anger issues and while you tried to control your temper, you ended up being a blunt, cold and a heartless person. But a part of you still had that warmth that rarely comes out.
You work as a CEO in a big cosmetics company and are feared by most of your employees. Because of that, you earned the nickname " Ms. Mafia".
Let's see what you are up to currently.

Your POV~
Fuck my life! Why the fuck would this whore call me over? And that too right now???!! Man I swear on my life today will be the day I tear her skull apart. I thought that she called to apologize. Man what the fuck!!!!!- y/n cursed out, the swears slipping off your tongue like it's normal to swear 4 times in the span of seconds.
TiMe sKiP~~~~~~~

" awww hi my baby! How are you? You look so elegant in your work clothes", your mother said and you rolled your eyes knowing that you were about to lose your shit on her because of her fake voice that she uses to play innocent.

" speak. What do you want? Why did you call me here? It better not be something stupid. I'm a busy person, so you better have something an excuse", you said In a surprisingly calm tone with coldness overflowing in your voice.

" don't talk to me like that. I will not be abused by you anymore", your mother glared at you.

" we both know where I will take this bullshit. It's your fault. So don't go there if you value your time and ego. I'm way too exhausted for this conversation. Get to the point mother. Why am I here?"

" look around you. You see guests don't you. Greet them. And make sure that you bow down at a 90 degree angle. And you better not be cold to them. Got it?", she said the last few sentences in a hushed voice only to make you anger shoot up. You opened your fist and bit your lip while blinking back your  rage that was threatening to spill out in a form of swears.

Now, the question is, who are they and why did your mother call you to her place in the middle of a goddamn meeting? And most importantly, why on earth were they dressed in all black suits, armed with a gun and bodyguards by the door??? What on earth is going to unfold in front you?

" hello. I'm Kang y/n. Pleasure to meet you", you said with your boss voice on.

" Sorry to break it to you Sweetcakes, but I sold you to the biggest mafia gang in all of South Korea. You shall wed the third oldest brother of 8 mafias. The wedding is in 2 days, buy a dress and heels for your wedding. Till then, your soon to be husband Yunho, and his oldest brother Seonghwa will live with you. After the wedding is over, you won't exist for me. Get lost now.
See you at your wedding my child", your mother spoke confidently.

You felt a very strong sting of your throat closing up and all of your vains on your neck bulging and your collarbone popping out. You were shaking in pain as her words came crashing down on you finally realizing what was happening. You feel tears pouring down your face pooling in your collarbone. Your legs give up on you and you collapse onto the ground breaking into a full blown crying session. You sob silently as you finally register her words.
A few seconds later, you gather yourself and stand up. You walk over to your mother, your 5'6 height  matching hers.
Before you can control yourself, you slap her hard on her face leaving a mark of your ring because of the intensity of your slap.
You were left shocked after your reflexes were in full swing as you caught her hand before she could slap you on your way out.
However, what you did not notice was the look of fear in all of their eyes after your mood changed within seconds,5 seconds to be exact. A very tall man aproched you and as you look in his big nice brown eyes, you can see that he is indeed a very warm person. You look away and gaze around at the 7 other men in the room that were incredibly HOT! You just couldn't see that specific look on their faces. They were very calm and friendly and not anything like mafias at all. You look back at your mother and say:

" thank you, this honestly might just be the best gift I've ever received. You tried to ruin me, but instead, you saved me. We shall never cross paths again, goodbye mother", and leave.

On your way to your black Mercedes, two men get in. The very tall guy who aproched you earlier got in the passenger seat and a very majestic look man got in the backseat. As you pull out of the driveway, the blonde spoke from the backseat
" y/n, I-", he stops midway.
" hmm? No, go on. I'm listening. I promise I won't smack you too", I say smiling a bit.
" I'm sorry. Your mother and our conversation had nothing to do with selling you to us. I just want to clear that up. I really am sorry. Is there anything I can do to fix your mood?", the man in the back says, his deep voice is almost like a lullaby.
" you are Seonghwa, right?", I ask still a bit coldly.
" yes that's me".
" you don't have to apologize for anything. When I broke down, I realized what actually happened. That's why I slapped mother so hard. I honestly feel a lot better after you apologized and told me the truth oppa", I say almost smiling but cut back because I know my value.
Thoughts were flooding my mind. Not positive, or negative, just both.
A very soothing voice broke my little bubble of thoughts. It was yunho.
" like hyung said, nothing if that sort happened. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm willing to not hold that husband wife relationship after we get married. We can be friends instead and maybe somewhere in the future we can be that couple. I know that this too much for you to deal with right now but-", I cut him off.
" yunho, you are sweeter than I thought. Don't worry, we will be nothing more than friends until both of us are ready. Thank you for being so understanding and I think that day is not far away when i really do fall for you".

NEXT IMAGINE: Kang Yeosang

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