Seonghwa pt.1 come with us (angst+fluff)

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Alright. So this one will have around 2-3 parts. It's gonna be a mafia and werewolf au....I am going nuts atp so it might be a mess. Sorry if it boring. I might turn this into a mini book...who knows. Will include Felix from skz...

Warnings- sharp objects like a butterfly knife, robbery, being held hostage, kidnapping with consent lol, pregnancy, (y/n will be 8 months pregnant),
A slap to the face. If uncomfy, then wait for the next update

Enjoy because it will take a while

Go to bed dear
Don't wait up for me, I'll be late
See you in a few hours

These were the texts that my alpha, Felix sent me...5 hours ago.

It's 2 in the morning and I just can seem to sleep. Mainly because of my daughter's constant kicking and jabbing all aimed for my ribs and spine, but also because something felt off.

Something was wrong and I could feel it.

"What's going on sweets? Do you sense that too", I ask rubbing my distended stomach, earning a shy kick in response.

"I'll take that as a yes. Something doesn't feel right..almost as if something bad is about to happen", I say tossing to my side.
I started feeling drowsy and her kicking had ceased for the time being.

I slowly fell asleep and about 30 minutes later, I heard my bedroom door open.

"You're here Felix? Come snuggle with me. I missed you", I mumbled.

After getting no reply, I open my eyes slowly and sit up in bed rubbing my eyes.

Two tall, and lean figures clad in black stood in front of me, with masks covering their faces.

"Who are you? How'd you even get in?", I ask panicked. A deep, husky voice answered coming closer to me.

"We have our ways of letting ourselves in. Don't worry about who we are. Get up", he spoke while taking his hood off to reveal dark brown hair with streaks of red.

He had deep purple eyes with a scar by the corner of his eyes. His voice was deep and somehow soft.

"I-I...what do you want? What do you want from me?", I say shakily as fear took over my body.

"We're here to collect a few valuable things that Felix has kept hidden that belong to us. Don't worry, your baby is safe. We won't hurt you, just do as we say", the other man spoke. His voice was a lot deeper than the previous man, he had a unique shade of green in his eyes and soft blond hair.

There was a small red birthmark along his left eye. His voice was sweet yet scary. Although they wore masks, they looked absolutely ethereal. They were really attractive.

"Get up!", the first man said raising his voice a bit.

I give up and slowly climb out of bed. As I get up, the red haired man comes close to me.

"You're gorgeous. I've never seen someone as beautiful as you", his long, slim fingers trace my jaw.

I slap him hard in the face, swiftly ripping his mask off in the process. God he was perfect. Thick plump lips, a sharp nose, a sharp jaw, freckles on one side of his neck, and tiny moles scattered across his left cheek.

"How dare you!", he growled raising his hand up to my face only to be pulled back by the other man.

"San-ah, she's pregnant. Be careful", the man said harshly.

"Sorry y/n. Yeo, take her to the living room", the man named San ordered.

The other nodded and took me to the living room and tied my hands up.
San walked over after a bit and he looked irritated.

"Where is the blood diamond? Tell me before I burn this house down with you in it", he gritted his teeth.

"Untie my hands first", I say coldly.

"Do it", San nodded to the other man.

After my hands were free, I told him where I thought they were. "Behind the closet, under a shelf".

San left and the other man came over and softly sat me down.

"You need to rest" was all he said before sitting down on the wooden coffee table in front of me, his back facing towards me.

He pulled off his mask and pulled a butterfly knife, and started twirling it around his long, pale, fingers.

Something about this man seemed a bit off. He was very different from San.
He was quiet and soft hearted.

However, the scent glands were blocked off but I suspected that he was an omega like me...if only I could find out somehow.

I got up slowly and silently and snuck up on him, I tore off the patch covering his scent glands and a strong smell of vanilla hit my nose. He indeed was an omega.

"Why'd you do that?", he stood up, towering over me.

"You're an omega. That's why you're so different from San", i mumbled.

"Yes. I'm an omega. Let me put my patch on before san comes in", he replied smiling lightly.

He put the patch back on and as if on cue, san came out with 3 large duffel bags.

"Why do you have the bags? I thought you just needed the diamond", I questioned.

"Well, yeah I've got the diamond but like I said, we're here to collect valuable things and you're one of them. Come with us", san smirked as he opened a bag revealing my clothes and the other one revealing baby clothes....oh shit I'm screwed.

The other bag had the diamond in it's case and my makeup and books.
"Wait. If I'm coming with you, then let me grab one more thing", I say getting up. I rush to my shared room with Felix and call out to them.

"Hey umm, can you please help me a little?"

"Sure. What do you need y/n?", San asked.

"The baby bag..I'm very close to my due date and need the things in there. It's under the bed. It's a black leather bag", I explained.

"Of course", San bends down and pulled it out in one swift motion.
After that, I hear a loud bang on my door.

"San, Yeosang, hurry up. It's freezing outside", a muffled voice was heard from outside. San nodded and grabbed a few blankets and a small plushie and we headed out, and sat in the car. I was crammed in between the two men and we drove off.

I was in a lot of discomfort because of my daughter's ruthless kicking and I think Yeosang noticed.

"Y/n, if you want, you can sleep. It's a 4 hour drive and I can see you're exhausted. Use mine or San's shoulder to rest your head if you want", Yeosang said softly.

I nod and lean my head back into the warm fabric seat and gently caress my bump, while regulating my own heartbeat.

A minute later, the baby also settled down, having sensed my heartbeat slow down as it was racing before.

I didn't know I was being brought to the place I had left 10 months ago...

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