Ot8- when you cry or flinch in arguments

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I'm going crazy rn. I have so many things going on but I decided to just write an ot8 ff...this one will have angst as you can already tell from the title, but the ending has loads of fluff.
I'm just wasting time, trying to forget abt the shit that's going on so👍🏼

And a little birdy told me yall ain't commenting on my work 😭
                                             _| \_*huff*
The reason I tell y'all to comment is so I know what to improve and if what I wrote was cringy or if I need to edit something. Anyway, this one will be long asf so book yourself a well deserved massage and read it there lmfao
Enjoy 😁___________________________

"Why do you think this happened? It's because of you and you only. Sometimes I question why i didn't listen to my friends. They were right, you really are a heartthrob. Stop playing with my feelings!!!",he screamed.
"J-joong I-I didn't. I swear I love you. I've changed myself just for you. I just want you, no one else", i managed to say as my throat felt like it was closing in on me.
"Don't lie to me y/n!!!", he shouted making me flinch. His eyes softened but still held the fire burning in them.
"I'm being honest", I  stood my ground even though I was slowly crumbling.
"Oh really? Then explain this", he whipped out his phone and showed me a picture of my coworker and me.
"Jealous hey? Well, Kim Hongjoong, if you loved me, you'd recognize this exact outfit and position I was in. This picture is edited. Look, it's the same picture from your phone wallpaper. And this picture of him here, that's a picture off of fucking google!", i explain as i slowly fall onto my knees, and start crying.
He looked at his phone wallpaper and the photo that was sent to him by his ex. He looked at me in shock and instantly bent over and hugged me tightly.
"I'm so sorry. Why didn't I think of that. I'm so sorry princess. I was blinded by jealousy to see reality. Please forgive me", he broke down in tears.
"It's not your fault. The picture was edited so well that I almost fell for it", you sniffled, slowly calming down.
"I'm sorry. This will never happen again. I promise baby", he kissed me all over my face.

"Hi. You're home my love? How was work?", I  asked in my regular soothing voice. I always put him first and in this situation, i myself was still in my work clothes, completely exhausted and was about to pass out any moment.
After no reply, i looked over my shoulder and saw seonghwa's eyes filled with rage.
"What's wrong baby?", i slowly walk towards him.
"Nothing. Just leave me alone", he answered coldly. He was never like this. He'd always greet me with a kiss and a big hug and smile when he came home. Something was wrong and it was scaring me to see my husband like this but at the same time, my anger issues were coming in hard.
"I'm sorry. I made you your favorite dinner. I'll be in my office", i look down, trying to not lose my mind at him.
"I'm not hungry. Just leave already!", he raised his voice.
"Look seonghwa. I don't know what's wrong and shit but I do know that I have nothing to do with you being this way. If you're angry at someone, don't take your shit out on me. I'm not your punching bag, but your wife. If only you knew how to calm down and talk rationally, I wouldn't be saying this", i spoke calmly, almost as if it was my regular way of speaking.
"I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE!", he shouted, his right hand lifting up to my face. I flinch hard and walk backwards slowly.
All those traumatic flashbacks from my childhood flood my mind, making me run to my shared room and lock myself up. I cried my  eyes out to the point i couldn't even breathe properly. I was a mess and my mind kept repeating the same things that happened 10 years ago. Those beatings from my mother, the torture that I  buried deep into my heart was ripped out and thrown at me. My mind kept telling me to calm down and talk to him, but my heart was screaming at me that you deserved this.
About 20 minutes later, a knock was heard at the door.
"Baby...can I come in?", seonghwa's voice sounded weak as if he was also crying just as much as me.
"Give me a second", i whisper out as i had no energy left.
I get up and wash my face so that no tears were left streaking my face white, and open the door to see Seonghwa standing there with open arms.
"I'm so sorry. I was really pissed at my managers and lost my mind when the choreographer yelled at me to stop slacking even though it wasn't my fault. I'm so sorry my love. Even after I knew everything that happened, I wasn't thinking at all and I-...I'm sorry. I'm not justifying my actions, there's no excuse for what I did. I understand if you want to leave me and move on from m-.....", he cupped my cheeks and cried in my arms but I cut him off.
"Shut up Seonghwa. I don't know why you would ever think that I'd leave you and move on. I'm the one who's at fault. I should've left you be. I love you seonghwa. I really do and about you almost hitting me, I'm not mad. I'm still trying to heal from my trauma. it'll take time, but I know that I have you by my side every step of the way", i wipe his tears. "thank you for loving me. I don't deserve you", he pouted.
"Don't say that. I just hope our babies don't think from their knees like you do", I giggle.
"Babies? What babies?", he looked at me with doe eyes and head tilted cutely to the side.
"Ah. One sec", I pull away from him and go to our bedside drawers and pull out a file.
"Here. Open it", I hand it to him.
"You're pregnant? It says with TWINS TOO?! Holy shit!!!", he jumped up and down and hugged me tightly.
"I feel even more guilty now. I'm sorry", he teared up again.
"My guy, do you ever stop apologizing and crying?!", I raise my voice slightly.
"I'm sorry", he said quietly, looking down and slouching, making me roll my eyes and smile at his cuteness and kiss his forehead.

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