Wooyoung ft.Yeosang- im not leaving(fluff)

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Uhhh unlike the other parts of this book, he is your brother/cousin. Ik some of you are an only child so I put in cousin. Don't hate me for this as i too am an only child. So substitute the word brother for cousin if you need to. Love ya.

Warning: foul language as usual (in every single story🙄) GRAMMAR MISTAKES. correct me in the comments because I mostly write these stories when I'm either exhausted or stressed.

now on to the story✌🏻.
Y/n's pov- (current situation)
I was driving home after the most stressful day I've had in years.

My boss flooded my desk with paperwork and the clients I had were horrible.

Like, there is something called patient and respect ya know.

Anyway, I got a call from dad telling me to come home quickly for some sort of surprise. So I rushed home definitely not expecting this...

  It was my older brother, Wooyoung who I hadn't seen for almost 15 years... and did not recognize one bit.

I mean, we only talked on call a few times over the years and met probably twice at events or something but became oddly close, so can't blame us for not recognizing each other.

Wooyoung went to boarding school across the country when he was 8 so I rarely saw him. We had a decent age gap of 2 years so, I was raised alone mostly almost forgetting I had a brother.

"Oh god! Who are you?",woo questioned.

"Huh? Who are you? And who the fuck let you in? Get out!", I yelled.

"Woah woah woah! What's going on?", my father entered the room after hearing me yell.

"This stranger is sitting in front of me asking who I am. Like who the fuck let him in?", I ranted to my dad.

"Hahahaha. Oh my. Well, looks like you both forgot. Anyways, I'm not going to do anything really, just introduce yourself to each other alright", my dad giggled at how both of us forgot about each other.

"Huh? You sure about that?", woo says.

"I'm Jung y/n, now who are you?"
"I'm Jung wooyoung, who are you?", we say at the same time not hearing each other clearly.

"Huh? You're who? I didn't get your name right",I say.

"Jung wooyoung. And you?", he replies.
"Oppa? Yah! Is that you????", I ask tearing up a bit realizing that he was my brother.

"I- sorry. Teddy bear?", he asks stepping closer.

"Oh my god! It's you! It's really you! Wooyoungie oppa it's r-really you!", I say hugging him tight breaking down in tears.

We cry together standing in each other's arms.
"Wait. Y/n, why is there a bruise on you arm. Did something happen? Oh my god, you look like you were just in a tornado Y/n what happened?", woo pulled away, looking at my face.

"Oh, it's nothing woo. I'm used to it. I had angry old clients come in at work. One of them even grabbed my arm because I was taking too long. nothing serious though", I giggle.

"You have gotten so big! And so so so pretty. I bet the guys at work hit on you all the time with their stupid pick up lines huh", he said giving me an elevator look.

"They've cut down on that after they found out I was married-", I quickly slap my mouth shut after I told him about my relationship status. He did not know.

My dad just burst out in a fit of laughter at my sudden confession.

"You're what??!!! And you didn't invite me let alone tell me. That's not fair       y/n", he pouted, clearly hurt.

"I'm sorry. Oppa, let me be honest here. I completely forgot I had a brother till today. But, would you like to meet your brother in law? He's outside", I say laughing but calming down at the last part.

"Yeah, I forgot too haha. And bring him in, I want to see what kind of man you are stuck with for the rest of your life", he rolled his eyes.

"I'll go get him. One sec. Don't move at all", I say jogging to the door.
A minute later, I enter with my husband after giving him a quick conclusion on the events that just took place.

"Here he is", I say moving away to the side.

"Hi, I'm Yeosang, nice to meet you", he said extending his hand, just to meet woo's back.

As soon as Yeosang introduced himself, wooyoung spun around, eyes blown wide.

"Oh, Wooyoung? You're her brother??!!  I had absolutely no idea", Yeosang spoke as he jumped into wooyoung's arms for a hug.

"Y'all know each other? You should've told me", I whined.

"Yeah I know him. He an I went to school together and became best friends. Sorry baby, I should've told you", Yeosang confessed.

"Anyways, I'm here in Seoul permanently and am not leaving at all. But, I don't really know where to stay so...", Wooyoung looked down.

"You can live with us permanently, my sister is living with us too so I don't think she'll mind one bit. But only if it's ok with you y/n", Yeosang beamed.

"Of course. We have so much to talk about and so much more", I chuckled.

"If you both are alright, then I'm coming along", Wooyoung jumped excited to live with his best friend and sister.

We all soon settled in and continued on with life until Yeosang's sister and Wooyoung started dating. That's when we knew our house would be full as me and Yeosang recently found out we were pregnant.

We all lived happily ever after.

Sorry, this sucks ass. I still need requests so... and no I won't shut up about it. Hope you like it a bit. Oh and make sure this book is in your library as I will frequently update it.

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