Hongjoong -birthday gift (angst)

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So sorry!! Ik I did said the next one will be ot8 smut... it's in the making. Will publish soon. Till then, here's a ff. It's pure imagination so don't take it personally.
Warnings: blood, broken glass, hate, phsyco energy, gunshots, character death (not really... you'll see) dramatic asf
If it makes you uncomfortable, then do not proceed. Read my other books if you're interested...
This might be the best oneshot I've written or the absolute worst...
____•read at your own risk• _____

Hongjoong and I have been friends for about 8 years. His charming personality, his manners, his whole existence had me drooling. In those 8 years, I developed feelings for him. Every year on his birthday, I would buy him something special. On his 24th birthday, we went to a bar and got completely wasted and both of us confessed while we were still sober. After that, everything was fine until 2 years down the road.
He was a very kind soul, he'd help senior citizens whenever he could.. everyone loved him. He was perfect until one day he changed drastically.
His personality did a full 180 and his smile and that glow of happiness in his eyes faded... more like vanished. He just never seemed happpy in our relationship. He would stay at work all the time and when he did come home, he would act as if he hated me. He'd never talk to me properly, and at this point I was losing hope. I was breaking on the inside. His eyes now held rage and sadness. I wanted to hug him tight, comfort him, and talk to him about what was bothering him, but every time I did, he just stood there and would eventually push me off him.
After a while, I started to keep my distance from him.
His birthday was coming up so I went online and did some shopping. On the day of his birthday, I gave him the present.
"Happy birthday joongie", I squealed.
He unboxed the gift unfazed and took out the bottle of cologne and looked at it.
"You know what would be the perfect gift for me?", he asked smirking... I was about to piss myself. I was scared. He smashed the bottle on the wall and looked me with hunger.
"The perfect gift for me would be for you to pick up the pieces off the floor with your feet", his smirk grew wider.
Oh shit!
I looked at him with tears. Not only was I hurt, but I was fuming. I spent hundreds of dollars and a week to get the best gift for him, and this is what happens.. fuck no.
I was done controlling myself. I had to let myself free.
I reached to a drawer and pulled out my gun.
"Kim Hongjoong! Snap out of it!", I yell slapping him hard.
"You don't know what you just did", he said facing me.
He picked me up and slammed my body down onto the glass. It hurt like a bitch. I fell onto my knees, not before pulling him down with me. Once he hit the floor, I straddled him and slapped and punched him till he drew blood. At this point, there was a pool of blood by my feet.
He reached for my throat but I shot him in the arm.
After I did that, i called my doctor and best friend Song Mingi to prepare an operation theatre. I dragged hongjoong to the car and drove to the hospital. Once admitted to the emergency room, I sat back and told Mingi what happened. He rushed into the ot room and did what he had to.
I waited for hours until mingi came out.
"Is he alright? I didn't shoot anything else right?", I ask.
"Unfortunately, he's lost a ton of blood and we need a donor quickly. Even if we're successful in that, I don't think he's going to make it through the night", he said.
"We have the same blood type. Take mine", I say.
After donating 3 litres of blood to him, I had basically passed out. When I woke up, I heard monitors beeping loudly. Shit!!!
It was hongjoong. There were doctors around his bed, doing cpr and other things to keep him alive.
I ran over to his figure and grabbed his hand tightly. To everyone's surprise, his heart began to beat again.
"Ok, he's fine now", mingi said.
After 4 weeks in the hospital, hongjoong was admitted into a rehab centre to help with his mental health.
A year later, I heard a knock at my door and to my shock, it was hongjoong.
"Sorry for what happened. I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry. Are we still good?", he asked.
"Of course. Come rest. It's your house after all", I smile.
Nothing stupid happened after that, and we lived together happily ever after.
Bro this was ass. I'm so sorry y'all. It'll be out next week I'll try to make it happen. Love y'all
Ps. Not proof read

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