Yeosang- should have told me pt.1(angst+ fluff)

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" shape shift for us. Can you do that? Why'd you lie bitch? Hmm y/n answer me *slap*", yelled your bully.

So the backstory is messed up big time.

So, you somehow got involved with the popular kids because of shit your ex best friend started. She started some disgusting rumours about you claiming you said them when you knew she made them up. Two of them being rumours that just happened to be true.

Now there were countless absolutely countless rumours half of them being impossible and vile.

Now, the few rumours that you knew about were: you being a snake and unicorn hybrid, you having an affair with a teacher 13 years older than you...yeah thirteen years OLDER than you, you having a child with him, and you being a serial killer.

I know what you're thinking, what rumours are true?... well, you were in a relationship with a teacher, married to him actually, and somehow got pregnant by him.

You were in your last year of college with honesty this being the  day you graduate and the last day too, so you just let it slide and we're waiting for you to get out and move on with life.

So where did you just get slapped...? Uhh on the stage in front of hundreds of people.

1 hour ago

You were in the classroom with your husband... yup you got married long ago almost 5 years ago but that is a story for another day. (I'll write that part next)

"Oh my, you look gorgeous today, can't wait to see you graduate. You look stunning love", says Yeosang as he fake faints when he sees you.

"Thank you Yeosang", you say blushing heavily.

"Ok so we have like what 1 hour before you have to leave, so what do you want to do? We can do something fun, I'll lock the doors too", said Yeosang lustfuly.

"Seriously Yeosang? I- look at me. Do you think I can", you say cupping your small 5 month bump that rested on your hips gently.

"Oh sorry. I forgot haha. Ok so cuddles maybe?", said Yeosang scratching at his neck, slightly embarrassed.

"Cuteeee! Ok but yeah, I could use some of your body heat. I'm freezing", you say smiling at him.

"How are you cold?? It's really warm here", said Yeosang as he wrapped you in his arms and held you close.

"Mmm blame our baby for that", you say while little kicks pushed up against your palm.

"Oh, well good evening to you as well squirt, what a lovely way to say hello huh", Yeosang chuckled, but that laugh faded quickly.
"Hey baby, jokes aside, are you alright? You seem really off lately I mean, ever since you stepped foot into this school, you seem stressed and almost everyday you come in here, your face looks flushed. Be honest hon, are you okay. Do you have a problem with me being your teacher as well as your husband?", Yeosang asked concerned.

"Yeosang, I-... I'll tell you later hmm. Today is the last day so I'll tell you when I get home I promise I won't keep you waiting for long and don't want you to worry unnecessarily hmm", you say making eye contact with him.

"Ok. I'll miss not being able to see you in my classes every day, I mean, im used to seeing you 24/7.

"I'll be at home for you to come to, and honestly, I applied as a teacher here in this school as your assistant and another English teacher, so you'll see plenty of me", you giggled.
"ok, I have to go now the grad ceremony starts in 5. Love you my Maltese puppy", you say smiling, all of your beautiful teeth on display.

"I love you more y/n, and our baby too, come here real quick.
I can't wait to meet you baby, stay healthy and just know that eomma and appa love you to bits", yeosang smiled softly.

"Ok, bye sangie see you in a bit yeah".

"Bu-bye. I'll be by the doors waiting for you when you're done because I remember you not wanting your picture taken", he gave you a thumbs up.


"Answer me you slut", your bully kicked your legs making you fall onto your knees protecting your abdomen with your hands.

Why is the motherfucking teacher just staring at this rubish. If this continues, she might hurt my child. Oh god. Fuck! Imma have to something about this- you thought to yourself.

As you got up, you remembered that you had Yeosang's emergency clip and you tugged it sending Yeosang an alert that you were in danger. He ran into the doors and into the ceremonial room you were in and darted towards you.

As soon as you managed to get up properly, you gathered all the energy you had in you and slapped your bully leaving your handprint on her cheek making her fall onto her ass.

"Enough! I'm done with you harassing me. Had you given me a minute to clear this shit up, you wouldn't be crying in pain right now. None of that was true except for my and Yeosang's relationship and our baby. Learn to hear people out instead of letting your big ass ego in the way. Goodbye", you say sternly making the rest of the school feel guilty.

Yeosang was left shocked after a student filled him in of what was happening these past 4 years. He was shocked and fell on his knees trembling.

As soon as you saw him, you flipped off the cameraman and rushed over to him while taking him into a tight hug. That seemed to be the breaking point and Yeosang burst into tears.

"Yeosang, hey, look at me baby. What's wrong?", you ask worried.

"Y/n, you- you endured unnecessary bullying because of me. And y-you also stayed silent the whole time. For what? I'm so sorry you had to go through hell and back for me", he sobbed.

" Yeosang, it's not your fault, it's mine. Had I been careful with choosing my friends, non of this would have happened. She spread tons of rumours about me and you. I'm sorry baby i really am", you say rubbing his back softly.

"I'm sorry I was not there to comfort you. Please, promise you'll tell me things like this from now on", he begged.

"I promise, now let's go home ok, it's been a long day for the three of us yeah", you say rubbing your bump and smiling at him.
"*sniffle* ok, let's go. But are you ok? Are you hurt? Is the baby ok? Babe, tell me", he asks frantically.
"Yes I'm fine and so is our baby, now let's go. Shall we?".

TO BE CONTINUED...(look for a part 2 and maybe part 3...will be reposted in my Ateez mini series book)

Sorry this sucked I still need requests so... please DO THAT!!! Cuz I have no more plots in mind

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