Ot8- the 10th member pt.1 angst+fluff

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Warnings:death, y/n and the others will be in a polygamous relationship, y/n will be the 9th member of ateez...and will have a new member too..., blood, panic, and crying
If any of these trigger you, don't read then. If I miss something, then lmk in the comments. Don't hesitate to correct my spelling in the comments too...it would be appreciated if you did so.

All 9 of us were eating lunch together at the dorm. I was mid-sentence when my phone went off. It was a number I didn't recognize until my phone rang again.

"Hey baby, you might want to check who that is. It's the 5th time now", hongjoong said looking at me with concern.

"Yeah. You're probably right", I answered and picked up the call.

As soon as the person on the other end hung up, I spat out my water on the side in shock and ran out the dorm.

I ran and ran and ran until I finally reached the hospital.

I rushed inside and checked in with the receptionist.

"Hello, I'm Jeon y/n. Can you tell me what room jeon jungkook is in? Im his sister", I say quickly.

"Ah yes. I'll take you to him right now.
He was in an accident. He is currently unconscious. He should be up soon though", she explained as she opens the door to his ward.

I just tear up as I see him, laying on the bed with multiple wires around his body and countless pipes going through his mouth, nose and throat with blood covering his entire body.

I sit next to him and cry silently.
A few minutes later, I hear a weak call for my name. I look over to my brother and I see he's awake.

"Oppa..you're awake! How are you feeling?", I ask holding his hand.
"I feel ok..hey, look here. I love you, stay happy, always smile, keep my daughter safe and never forget that I'll always be with you", he said weakly.

"Why are you saying that all of a sudden? Are you ok?", I ask tearing up again.
"I'm so sorry puppy", he kissed my hand and took his last breath before finally passing away in my arms.

The heart monitor beeped loudly and that's when I broke down fully. I let go of his hand and fall down onto the ground. I was a mess.

I didn't think twice before calling the nurse.

She came in within minutes and held me tight so I could calm down a bit.

"You know, your brother has a child, Jeon somi. He had asked me to to request you to adopt her if something happened to him", the doctor informed me as he finished moving my brother's body into a room.

"He has a daughter? How old is she?", I ask as I was new to this information.
"She is barely 2 weeks old. Her mother died giving birth to her", he explained.

"Ok, I'll adopt her. Are there any papers I need to sign?", I say after a minute of thinking.

"Yes. I'll get them to you right now. And I'll have a nurse bring in somi", he stated walking to the door.

I just nod and sit outside. A minute later, a nurse brought in a baby and I fell in love with her at first sight.

She looked like the baby version of me and I found that adorable. She looked nothing like her mother...well, she did inherit her mother's nose, but that was it.

The doctor came in soon after and i signed the papers and was given a file and a bag before I left.

I was half way home when I got a call from seonghwa.

"My love, are you ok? Why did you run off? Where are you? What happened?", he bombarded me with questions.

"I'll tell you when I get home. Call our managers right now. I've got something", I answered looking down at my niece who slept comfortably in my hold.

"Ok. I'll do that. Ah it's such a relief that you are alright", he sighed.
30 minutes later, I reach the dorms and  enter it.

The managers were there and the members gathered around the door.

"Hi", I say softly.

"Where were you?! We were so worried baby", woo yelled.

"Shhh", i shush them up as somi started whining.

I hand Yeosang the things and rock her back and forth to calm her down.
"Hey, shh. Don't worry, auntie is here".

"Who is that? Y/n, is that your daughter?", the managers asked.

"No. This is somi, my brother's daughter. He died just 45 minutes ago...that's why I ran out like that. I was at the hospital. He died in my arms...I still feel his cold skin on me", I started crying.

"Aww im sorry. Why is she here though?", the other manager asked.

"I adopted her. Her mother died while giving birth. She has no one but me. So, you can say, she's my daughter", I answered.

"Ah I see.
Well, if you called us here to tell us that you adopted a child, we all support you. Your career is safe and you will continue your idol lives. I will let atiny know that you will be on a haitus so you can take care of your niece", he added.

"Thank you so much", I smile.
The managers leave and it's just me and my boyfriends and my now daughter.

"So, you adopted her? So does that make you her mom?", yunho inquired.

"Technically yes, biologically no, because im her aunt", i answer while playing with her.

"What does that make us then?", mingi asked looking at me.

"Would you guys mind if she grew up to call you dad?", I ask.

"We are dads now? Heck yeah. Sounds great to me", seonghwa added.

The room broke out in cheers and yells of happiness. Somi started crying so I shut the boys up and slowly lulled her back to sleep.

"You guys need to keep it low. Anyway, my precious little family is complete. Thanks for staying with me through this whole time. Hey somi, welcome to ateez", I smile brightly.

"Welcome aboard somi. Welcome to Ateez", Hongjoong giggled.

"Hey, it's late, im exuasted. Im calling it a night", seonghwa yawns.

"Let's all call it a night. Hey, babe, mind if I join you in bed?", I say blushing.

"Of course. Bring somi too. Tomorrow, we'll all go shopping for baby clothes and items. She looks very much like you. Just saying", seonghwa says kissing my head.

"She does. Thanks guys. Can I have my good night kisses?", I say standing on my tippy toes.

One by one they all kiss me good night and each other too.

"Good night my loves. Sleep well and dream about me", I shout as they all head towards their respective rooms.

"I feel like a parent. Like a real one and not one of ateez", seonghwa states.

"Well, you are now. Can't wait to have our own kids running around the house", I squeal.

"Haha yes. But for now, let's sleep because somi is fast asleep on your chest", he pointed out.

I smile and kiss him softly before i gently menuver somi between us and kiss her head.

"You are just 2 weeks old and have gone through so much. Now, you've got all 8 of my boyfriends wrapped around your little finger. I promise you Somi, I'll protect you and give you the life you deserve. I'll be your mother, sister, aunt, friend, and mentor for life. You lost your father today, but you earned 8 dads who love you already. I love you my precious niece, sleep well baby", I say softly to her as she had woken up after I moved her.

I tap her tummy softly to make her sleepy and kiss her cheeks one last time before finally sleeping with my arm wrapped protectively around her and seonghwa.

"Good night somi, we all love you", seonghwa said quietly and we all drifted to sleep.

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