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Hey guys! How are ya? How are things going for you? I hope everything is well. I just wanted to make another announcement here because this is my most read book🤧 read my other books too guys. Talking about books...I've got a new book coming out. It's called ✨Fuckboy✨ yes, it's a Seonghwa book😒 but what can I say, he just gives me so many ideas😖
Now this book does have sensitive topics like death and's a 3rd person pov for once and apparently all the people who've gotten a sneak peek at it say it's really well, I'm a humble person...I don't believe anything they say but if 5 people are saying the same thing, it's gotta mean something right? I also think I'll be taking a break from writing this book because I literally have no ideas and plots anymore. I'll continue the yunho series and see where that leads to and yes, for Fuckboy, I'm trying out a new writing original one. I'm actually very busy with work and my life isn't any peaceful so the updates will be a bit slow. Again, requests are open and criticism is welcome. Now, since Wattpad has turned off personal messages, yall can request in the comments, or get a hold of me on instagram. For those who don't know my instagram, it's in my bio...and for those who follow me on instagram and have seen my recent stories, just know that I'm ok and just need a change so that's why I deleted most of my posts...I'm not editing anymore. Anyway, I hope you guys like reading my books...I'll be doomed otherwise cuz id just be embarrassing myself here. Please don't hate me, I love you guys. I truly do and I hope that it's not one sided (NOT IN A WEIRD WAY) I enjoy reading your comments! I love you guys and won't stop saying it. Have a good day! Stay healthy and safe🫶🏼🤍

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