Lets play a game

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So you guys, I'm feeling a bit...chaotic today cuz it's my day off in so long and I really don't want to sob all day so I have an idea!

I've decided to do something fun like a competition for y'all.

It would be lovely if you guys can participate. I could not have done this without you. You all play such a big part in my life, constantly encouraging me to keep going. Your support is really appreciated and your silly comments in my updates make my day.

However, issues are bound to occur. Your girl is stuck...like very stuck.

So this is where my precious readers like you help me out and join this competition.

Me and @Yoongsmiles_ are holding a competition for y'all!!! Yay how exciting!!!
So let me explain how this works

How to enter:
-comment on this chapter with a prompt for a oneshot or series you want to see, including the ship (member x member or member x reader) this is an ATEEZ book so I'll only take those ships...

Now y'all must be like "alright that's cool but Vivi, what do we get in return?"
I've got the answer right here👇🏼

You will get a prize!!!
Prize: I'll write a chapter or series in honour of the person who writes me the best prompt(s) youll be tagged in those chapters.
Tag a friend so they can join too, you can give me more than 1 prompt!!!!

Thank you guys for everything!!!! I hope to write something for y'all soon!

Love you!!!!!
-Seonghwasadamsapple (Vivi)

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