Yunho pt.2- stay back(fluff and a bit of angst)

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I drive back to my mansion and the first to get out was yunho. He got out and opened the door for me and then his brother.

"You don't have to open the door for me yunho. I feel awkward", I say unlocking my front door.

"Sorry. I just wanted to so that you save your energy. You look exhausted considering you cried your eyes out", he smiled sadly.

"It's fine. Janice! Come here", I shout to my maid.

"Yes ma'am?", she ran towards us.

"There's no need for you to come to work every day. Once a month would be fine. I'm getting married tomorrow, so this house will be full. This is yunho, my soon to be husband and that's seonghwa oppa, my brother in law. The rest of their brothers will be living here too so I'll get enough help around the house. You will get double the money so that you don't starve and your kids can study well", I say while heading to the mini bar and grabbing a bottle of water.

"Yes ma'am. I understand. I'll leave now. I made you some hotpot and cleaned the whole house", she bowed and left.

"Wow. You really do live in a palace", seonghwa said laughing a bit.

"It's not a palace essentially. It's a mansion I had built. A few years ago, after my mother threw me out of the house, I stayed inside my office for about a year until I had people build this mansion. If you ever do visit me in my office, I'll show you the room I lived in", I explained pouring water in 3 glasses.

"Thanks y/n. So, how old are you again?", Seonghwa sipped on his water.
"Ah right. My age...I'm 20... yes I know I'm young. I hope our age gap isn't too big. If it is, then too bad I guess", I smile slightly and look down.

"You're still a babyyyyyy! I thought you'd at least be 25. Well, yunho is 25..and I'm 26", seonghwa puts the glasses in the washing.

"5 years...not bad", yunho smiles brightly.

"You know, you kinda remind me of a golden retriever. That was the first thought that came to my mind when I saw you today", I sigh.

"See! Im not the only one!!", seonghwa playfully slaps yunho's arm.

"Whatever. Hey, umm y-y/n...I-...I'd like to treat you to dinner. I still feel horrible for doing that to you. I-I understand i-if you don't want t-to..I'm sorry. I should've just kept quiet", yunho stuttered looking down at the marble floor.

"Hey, yunho...calm down. I don't want you to stutter this hard after we get married tomorrow. And about what happened earlier, I'm alright. Don't
worry about it and I'm sure if I say no, you won't be able to sleep all night in guilt and worry. Yeah it hurt, but at the end of the day, it was my destiny to meet get married to you. It's just the way my life unfolded this chapter that hurt.
I don't want to hear the apologies and
strings of guilt spilling out your mouth.
Seonghwa, explain this to him...because apparently he doesn't get it", I say softly looking up at him...only to find him tearing up.

"Yunho, I know you feel guilty, but it's not you that hurt her. It was the way her mother played it out. I don't know what else to say. It's just what it is and no one is forcing you to forget what happened. If y/n, the victim herself is saying it's ok and she's fine, maybe you can take that weight off your chest", Seonghwa put his hand on yunho's shoulder.

"I's just that I feel horrible. It's almost suffocating by the way she cried plays in my head every time I look at her. I don't think I'll  ever forget the way she crumbled in front of us. I mean, you were the one who was crying just looking at her", yunho confessed.
" cried?", I asked alarmed.
"Yes...don't judge me. I have a soft heart and cry when I see other people crying. Yes I'm a mafia, yes I'm brutal, yes I'm supposed to be heartless...but it's not the same when it comes to family. I mean, don't get me wrong, I was told that my brother, Hongjoong signed the contract with your mother...and told all 7 of us to consider you as family...however, it's the way you slowly broke down. I lost it when you gripped your felt unreal. I'm sorry for constantly bringing this up", seonghwa confessed while playing with a thin silver chain on his neck, sitting just below his collarbone.

"Ah I see. Anyway, I want you all...and I mean all 8 of you to make sure you never bring my so called mother into any conversation. Just the thought of her makes me feel sick. So if you don't want to see me missing for a week, don't mention her. And this should be the last time you two talk about what happened. Now, about that dinner you were talking about yunho, how about we all go out somewhere so we can bond...and get to know each other more?" I say sternly, but look up at yunho when I talk to him.

"I'll keep that in mind. I'm sorry", they both say unison.

"Ey, dinner with all of us sounds good", yunho smiled.

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