San- im here (Fluff) ft. Seonghwa & yunho

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Uhhh... hiii!!! Sorry about the last few stories. They suck ik.... This one will be just our Choi mountain helping and supporting you through your pregnancy... yeah umm it's going to be a long ass one so grab a snack no wait, a meal at this point.
enjoy 😉
You and San have been a happy married couple for almost 5 years. You both decided to get married as soon as y'all got out of college because you both were financially stable. San inherited his dad's company and now worked as a CEO for a plastic surgery center.

You however worked a very simple job as a therapist for teenagers compared to san's.
Let's see what's going on in your present life
You have been feeling sick for the past few weeks and are seriously tired because it drains all of your energy forcing you to call in sick at work because almost everything bothers you and you can barely keep your eyes open due to the lack of energy.

San has been in Paris for the past week for a business meeting and you just can't bring yourself to tell him about your situation because he himself will get sick in worry.

"Oh god! Fuuuck!", you groaned leaning against the toilet bowl after throwing up your guts. You were sure you threw up an organ while doing so.

I should really show a doctor now. If it was a flu, it would be over by now-you thought.

You had booked an appointment with your mutual guy best friend Jeong Yunho for that afternoon. You were taken to a room immediately because you felt dizzy and almost passed out by the doors.

2 minutes later you hear Yunho's voice singing an ikon song and took you a second to figure out he was singing best friend.

"Mmmh. Goddamn", you say getting up with a bit of struggle.

"Oh. Good...afternoon buddy ", yunho says with his puppy like smile looking at his watch for a second.

" mmm, hi.

" so, what's up? Are you not feeling well  y/n?"

" not one bit. I have been sick for the past 5 weeks. Like I'm not able to stomach food, and yeah, you saw me almost pass out by the door like a minute ago so...", you say rolling your eyes and scratching your neck in embarrassment.

" ok, well, im going to do some tests and and tell you what's going on. From what im hearing about your condition, I'll study it myself and tell you within 10 minutes alright because it can be personal".

" jeez. I'm so special haha", you joke making Yunho smile back brightly mouthing  'you are' back.

TiMe sKiP~~~~~~~

" ok sweets, your reports came in and I've got good news and bad news. What do you want to hear first?"

" the bad news please. Yunho, am I dying?"

" haha no not at all. The bad news is that we are going to be seeing each other every month meaning you will get tired of seeing this handsome beauty" Yunho says pointing to his face smiling brightly.

"Oh god yuyu. I can never get tired of seeing your face. I've been seeing it since we were 5 dude, but I must say, you grew up well".

" oh thank you. And now onto the good news... y/n it depends on how you take it but....."

"oppa please. Stop it with the suspense".

" YOU ARE PREGNANT!!!!!!!" Yunho smiled so hard he swore he felt his lips rip.

" I- what? Really? I'm going to be a mom? oh my god" you said eyes tearing up and a few tears escaping while you smiled lips quivering with happiness.

"Yeah!! I'm going to be an uncle. Man, tell San that he really did a good job hahaha".

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